Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sun Safety-Cover Up The Babies

blog-sunscreen-babyWow, this weather is beautiful. Gone are the days of covering up the kids in multiple baby blankets and layers of baby clothes. However, if your kids are like mine, they are wanting to be in less clothes, if not out of them completely. That is why it is so important to make sure they are covered in plenty of sunscreen, hats and other protective gear for these bright and sunny days. Try a large umbrella for shade if the kids just don't want to wear their clothes.

Sun Facts: Did you know that you can double the risk of developing melanoma later on in life by getting just one blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence? Best sunscreen application time is 30 minutes prior to going outside. UVB rays are the rays most responsible for causing sunburns, also if you are fair haired you are at greater risk of getting a sunburn. The sun rays are at their strongest from 10AM to 4PM and if you think that going under water, cold temperatures or a cloudy day will protect you, you're wrong. Some fabrics protect you very little against powerful UV rays, for example a white cotton t-shirt is of nearly no protection. Some UVA rays even penetrate both our home and car windows. If you want to save your eyes, it is recommended that you wear UV-protected sunglasses. UPF-ultraviolet protected fabrics are even out in the market today. If you want to know how protective your clothes or baby clothing is, a light color and loose weave (you can see through when held up to your face) is the least of protection compared to let's say, a denim shirt which has an estimated UPF of 1700.

Looking for the best sunscreen, then "broad spectrum" is a good choice, with both UVA and UVB protection and SPF of 15 or higher. If into sports, then you would definitely want the sports sunscreen which is usually sweat resistant. Most important are the ingredients and for the UVA protection you can look for oxybenzone, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, avobenzone, and ecamsule to name a few. I am thankful to have found this information from the Skin Cancer Foundation.

More fun sun facts for babies and mommy coming this week.

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