Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mommy and Baby Devotion-Open Doors


O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I will cry to you for help, for my heart is overwhelmed" (Psalm 61:1-2). Isn't this scenario familiar to many of us young moms today? Especially when we are dragging at the end of the day, getting ready for bed, only to hear our toddler's sniffles and tears as we pass their bedroom. When we see our children sitting in their crib or bed sobbing with their favorite teddy bear orbaby blanket pulled up high to their quivering chin, looking for reassurance that they are safe and not alone; it just pulls at our heartstrings, right?

In those times, it is up to us to give them comfort and to reassure them that they aren't alone. While pulling them close and embracing them, we can speak security to their little hearts, letting them know they are safe. Telling a child that we are there and that they aren't alone does wonders, especially while giving them a loving embrace and comfort. Oh, and of course leaving the door open and a hall light or a night light on, per their request helps too.

This fear of being alone is what David experienced as he cried out to God after escaping Saul's attempt to kill him. We hear David crying out for security and an assurance of God's presence in Psalm 61:2-3, "My heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge."

Maybe you can relate to that cry to God and the overwhelming thought of isolation. I believe that God wants to assure us the same way we assure our babies. In our anxious heart, He wants to provide peace. Our frantic cries for help, He hears and answers. What a beautiful door God leaves open for us in the Bible, revealing His promises and love.

Application: Have a personal time of worship and read his book, knowing the door is open and all lights are on. Even in those times of fear and anxiety, where you feel alone; concerned for your safety, your children's health or bad choices, you aren't. Feel His comforting embrace and the safety that it brings. Write down some verses that give you security in God's promises. Read them before you go to bed and when you wake up. Trust that God is near and that your security is in Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I am grateful that you hear me as I cry out to you. Although I am no longer a toddler, I can relate to my babies tears and how she doesn't want to be alone. I would be lost without you Lord. Please open the doors that you want opened for us, and slam shut the ones that are a stumbling block, and not of you. Guide us in your ways and help us to walk a path of righteousness and dependency upon you. Our trust is in you and we cry out to you for our lives, our issues, our struggles and our joys. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear you and hands and feet to follow and show you. My hope is in you Lord. I praise you.

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