Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotions- Blessed & Needed Rest


Wow, what a full schedule we have as mommies. From the time our babies are awake till the time they are down for the night, we nurture and provide for them. We get them ready and dress them, feed them, nurse, change and bathe them, among other things. This reminds me of how wonderful God is to us and how He is our ultimate provider and how much He truly loves us and is always with us (Hebrews 13:5). ( Psalm 139:7-"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?") (In Matthew 28:20 he says- "... I am with you always, even to the end of the age".) Besides that though, it makes me take a look at rest and my desperate need for it. Genesis 2:3 says, "Then God... rested from all His work". He set the example here.

So it should also be for us. Don't we need a refreshing and peaceful moment? Yes, the answer is yes. Most times it isn't until the kids are in bed that I realize I hadn't taken much of a "me-moment". Actually an entire week or more can go by when I realize this need for rest too. I know how important it is to do this; it just seems to slip away unnoticed with the busy mommy schedule that I have. I am sure most of you can certainly relate and even have more of a hectic schedule. Gone are my days at the spa, monthly manicures and pedicures, unless I happen to make time to do them myself of course. I find it therapeutic actually, along with making hand bags, baby blankets and jewelry.

Reflection: It is okay to rest and it will refresh you by doing so. That's why I am hoping to encourage us to take a "me-moment". Plan it and schedule it in for yourself. It doesn't have to be a spa day to be refreshing after all. So, a few ideas for some me- moments: read (even if it is a small article or passage you enjoy), listen to your favorite music and relax, if you want to accomplish a task at the same time while crafting is a joy for you then take a moment to make yourself a necklace or do your nails, write a song, or sing... Just those few things can really be revitalizing and help you to feel refreshed again or revved up for your next mommy moment. The idea is to rest though, so don't overdo it if you are planning on crafting. Don't try to start a huge project that will cause the opposite of rest.

Prayer: Dear God, help me rest so I can be the mommy you desire me to be. Thank you for your love and wonderful sacrifice, for your example in all areas of my life.

Request: If you have some refreshing insight and ideas for rest and good "me-moments", please share. We are all in need of inspiration and can learn a lot from one another. Your comments, suggestions and sharing... they are all welcomed and appreciated. Hey, I will even reply too. And yes, some of you may be thinking the crafty thing isn't much rest, so now you know, I have a difficult time resting. ")

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