Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Looking Up


Did you ever notice how much your kids look at you and look up to you? It is so sweet, I cherish those moments. Especially since one day that may change and possibly very soon since my babies are topping the growth charts at nearly the 90th percentile. It just makes me want to be the best example for them. I mean, we are going to be the first Bible our children ever read. With their precious little eyes fixed upon us, let's show them Jesus.

Yikes, you may think. What a call. This actually encourages me and helps me to dig deep when I am exhausted, drained, up all night nursing, holding and rocking a sick baby for hours, or cleaning up vomit... It can be done; our proof is in Mark 10:27,"with God all things are possible." It isn't in our own strength that we can accomplish these things. We aren't meant to go through our journey of parenting and life alone. He is there to calm us even in the midst of the storm and thankfully He places some amazing people in our path to bless us too.

When we look up instead of out (at our situation-surroundings) we are less likely to get distracted and more likely to get impacted for God. Amen.
When our days are a bit hectic (always), let's still show our children peace. When they have dropped that cranberry juice on the white carpet, let's show them mercy. How much easier it is to wash out the cranberry juice than to erase harsh words spoken to a child. As struggles come in life, let's show them that we can have joy even-still. Let's pray with our kids and enjoy it as they pray in their own way; for the entire list of family members, animals, and cartoon characters (maybe that's just my toddler). Let's first kneel and reach for God before calling a friend, husband or mother; knowing this will instill trust in God and an example of reliance upon Him for our children.

Application: Remember, you are not just being watched by God, but your little babies and children too. Remember, they are reading us, their first Bible-in person. So, let's show our children that God comes first and give them His love, grace, mercy, acceptance and faith to grow and flourish. Remembering too as stated in Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Prayer: Oh sweet Jesus, how you know our inner most parts, our thoughts and upcoming actions too. Help us to align all that we are into your grace, into your hands, so that we may be a light, a salt and blessing to our children, family, friends and you of course. Guide our path daily and give us a deeper desire to set apart time for you-to listen, to wait and hear from you. I love you Lord and thank you for this awesome day. Be blessed and glorified in it. Let us be a good portrait of the Bible for our kids to see and mimic.

If you like the instrumental music link let me know and I can try to add more in the future. Also, what do all of you think of the handmade baby blanketsand personalized baby gifts? Looking forward to your input.

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