Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion for Mommy and Baby-Through Mommy's Eyes Part I

100_36861Nursing my newborn laying against my chest, her luxuriously soft skin against mine, and heart beating ever so softly and vibrantly, makes me think of how significant she truly is. How I want the best for her and her sister. How amazing God's creation is in her. How I never imagined love so deep and unconditional until my life in Christ and giving birth to my girls.

Can you relate to wanting your child to be "normal" and okay, to be healthy and dare I say, cute? I can. However I also believe that each person can be "normal" and beautiful in their own way since God has created them and there is beauty and significance in everyone. This is so much easier to see when looking at people through God's eyes. He looks inwardly rather than outwardly, thankfully. God's always keeping watch, as stated in Proverbs 15:3 God's eyes "are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good."

We know people don't always look inwardly, right? Can you remember a time when you were left out or "picked last" from a group, left feeling hurt or foolish? Did you just "not measure up" at some point in your life? Maybe it was a lost sale, a lead role in a play given to someone else, or a promotion that was given to another. Think about the impact that left on you. I read a story of a gal who dealt with being left behind quite often and even still was chosen as the "Girl with the Biggest Heart", in high school.

Even though she was left out of things, her class chose to recognize her as invaluable. It was her positive attitude even when she wasn't accepted (picked) amidst her peers, her smile amidst the frowns or harsh words. This gal showed optimism and cheerfulness during even the hardest times struggling with a noticeable disability. What a great example. She must have had a supportive family that gave her encouragement and faith to get by in the daily trials that she faced.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your love. I pray Lord that we would be a great and beautiful example of you. Give us eyes to see the beauty that is within us all. Take away any critical spirit within us and replace it with one of love, encouragement and compassion. Help us lift our kids up and praise them. Let our words be a blessing and not a cursing. May our babies always feel loved, accepted and cherished as we do with you.

Application: Ask the Lord to make you fully his. Sing a song and give Him praise. Look in the mirror and study your attributes, the cute and not so cute ones. Tell God that you know He doesn't concern himself with them and that He doesn't judge you for them. Listen for His voice saying He loves you and how beautiful you are on the inside and how that is what matters.

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