Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Devotions: Rise & Shine

2 Samuel 22:47 “The Lord lives! Praise to my Rock! May God, the Rock of my salvation, be exalted!

Rise and shine and give God the glory-glory… We sing this song as we get the kids up in my house and it is so cute to see their little faces smile and join in too. It is a jump start to my day to praise with my girls and to share laughter and smiles along the way. They are so cute and give me such joy. I cannot imagine life without them.

Reflection: Waking up and worshipping and lifting up songs of praise to God helps me get a nice perspective for my day and a joy despite my lack of sleep, exhaustion, a teething baby… among other things. Although we may not choose our battles, we can choose how we react to them. So for me, I choose to praise and spend that time with God in order to set my heart and spirit right. I choose life. God is so good to us and blesses me more than ever when my toddler joins in song and her and her sister just dance all around. I truly see my cup as overflowing in those special times and thank God for many more to come. Life gives us choices and I just want to encourage you as well as myself, to remember God’s perspective so we can bless Him and others. Let’s remember He’s in control so we don’t have to take control and get in the way of His handiwork. Of course we need to take control and be responsible for ourselves, but you know what I mean… right? :) Example: Put the brownie down, it’s the fourth one, don’t eat that bag of chips, go share a hug with a friend, be kind in a difficult situation… Oh, the responsibilities…

Prayer: Thank you God for the blessing of my children, family and friends and for giving us this beautiful day to enjoy. Help us to be joyous and hopeful even when we may not feel like it. Let us rise and shine for you and set our hearts upon your ways.

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