Friday, October 30, 2009

Mommy & Baby Daily Devotions: Our Counselor


John 14:16-17 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." Now, I think that is powerful and boy is it.

Reflection: Do your kids ask you for help? Help me mommy; my shoes, diaper, potty-training, scrapes and bruises... What happens when we may not hear them or are in another room? They come running don't they? They are sure to find us; seeking and asking persistently until their needs are met. I think there is a need for us to seek and cry out to God and follow the example of our kids here and their diligence. They don't just give up and they aren't ashamed to beg, ask for help and call on our name. They even seem to surrender proudly. Do we continue to call upon the Lord in prayer and urgency knowing that "eventually He will answer"? If we trusted our God as much as our kids trust and call upon us, we would have a hard time not seeking His help.

Prayer: Thank you Father for your wisdom, Spirit and help. You are our very provider and I am so thankful for you and all you are and do. Please help me to be persistent in my prayer life, chasing after you always while also being able to rest in you too. Give me a heart to desire you even more daily, to honor you and cherish your Word, prayer and faithfulness.

Side Note: I feel as if I need a counselor when I am out shopping or somewhere with the kids and I forget my baby sling and/or diaper bag. Lord help is all I can say in those times. Wet diapers, tired babies and no diaper bag orbaby sling... uh oh, it's going to be a long trip.

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