Thursday, October 15, 2009

Devotion: Getting Your Piece of Pie

kid-thanksReflection: In order for God to be our portion we need a relationship with Him right? In Romans 5:1 we are told that God offers and gives us His peace. When we have that peace with God (relationship) we can also have peace with others and reconciliation. We can then have our peace of God; which deals with our obedience and trust; providing inner peace and harmony. This means we can leave old things behind, our worries and the things that weigh us down, knowing that we can have hope while looking ahead. If you are not sure about taking that leap, trust or bridge to a better journey with God, it is just a simple step away. Ask God to reveal His heart to you and to draw you closer and increase your faith in the process. Ask Him for His perfect peace. He says that He gives perfect peace to those whose eyes are fixed on Him, so let's go for it and fix our eyes upward toward our Savior. Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your portion and plans for us. Thank you that I can rest in you even when things around me are in unrest. Help me to do this. Let your peace which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and minds and help us stay focused on you and not distracted. Give us your eyes, heart and hands to do your will. Help us to spread peace where we go and dwell.

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