Thursday, January 7, 2010

Devotional For Mom: For His Glory


I just love Romans 11:36 and especially knowing that everything is for God's glory, everything lives by His power and how all things come from Him. It's like He gives life for His glory, takes us on this wonderful journey to where we end up in Him, as stated in the Message's version of this same verse. What do you think? Are you accepting the life God's given you?

He is so good to call us His own and I just thought it would be good to remind us of how special that truly is. He even made us to glorify Himself. So, in my eyes, that's pretty cool. Anyhow, it also gives me peace in the midst of life's surprises, that when life is given, it is truly from God, as are all things... So, no accidents people, just surprises. Now doesn't that sound good? How often have you heard that someone is pregnant with an "accident"? Does it ever hurt your heart as if the unborn baby is being cursed or something? Maybe I am the only one, but I know we speak blessing or cursing when we open our mouths, so let's speak blessings. Accidents usually make me think of something bad or bring anxiety to a situation. A surprise on the other hand, although unexpected, can be such a great joy and blessing. I generally love to be surprised.

Reflection: Okay, so I will admit that with this pregnancy, I wasn't sure about the revealed surprise and timing... But, thankfully God is in control and gives life, knows all and provides all things for us. That is where I can sit back and rejoice for such a beautiful surprise and amazing gift. There are so many people who struggle with the ability to have children, infertility and such, that I would not want to hurt their hearts either by saying the accident word. What about someone who had a miscarriage? How they would so love such an "accident". I guess my hormones are on overload currently so I apologize if this is a bit blunt. I just want us mothers to remember where the gifts of life come from so we can rejoice no matter what we are given. I also pray that we can be very sensitive to the needs of our friends and sisters who are suffering a loss or inability currently to have such a blessing and baby. Let's pray for them for God's miracle of life, comfort, support and love while believing that He will provide. Just being there for a hurt friend so she can share those struggles can speak more life and healing than you could imagine.

Prayer: God, you are so good; all the time. Help us to also strive for that and to trust you for all things are given life by you and for your glory. I pray for those who may be struggling to have kids, that you would give a peace that passes all understanding and provide that life and baby, child or children to be loved, cherished and blessed. I also ask that you would help those who may be nervous or feeling as if there is an accident aboard; that you are making a mighty blessing within them and that they are simply a special gift and surprise especially from you. Help us to know your hand is in every part of our lives as our days aren't always or typically considered easy while childrearing.

Devotionals For Mommy: Our Identity

burpJust a few things that Scripture says about our identity in Christ: Deuteronomy 28:6 we are blessed coming and going and we are heirs of eternal life. Ephesians 1:13 we are identified as "belonging to God by the Holy Spirit." 2 Corinthians 5:21 we are made right with God; and as stated in 2 Corinthians 5:17 we are a new person.

Ever feel as if you are getting lost in motherhood? Have you forgotten your identity before your kids yet? If not, that's good. It happens a lot and I just wanted to encourage you to take that time to remember who you are amidst the kids and busy schedule of your days. I know that we can be more fulfilled and happy when we don't associate our identity with what we do. Trust me, I am honored to be a mommy and it is one of my most favorite things in the entire world to be. I just don't want to see myself only as mommy. I am still Coleena, a sweet child of God whose life has a plan and purpose beyond diapers, spit up, sleep and potty training... Oh, and so are you ladies; God's beautiful children with a great plan and purpose.

It's like with any job or task, we don't want to have them become our identity because we will lose ourselves in the process. Therefore, I believe we can become more useful when we accept ourselves and know who we are in confidence, not having our kids and motherhood identify us alone, but also having our own identity to embrace as well. The person God has made us each to be. Remember you as He has called you His own and His precious daughter before all the pressures and responsibilities of motherhood.

If we take that step back to reflect and appreciate the gift that we are as children of God, as women; we too can be refreshed knowing that we are still in there somewhere and that our pre-mommy moments don't have to be gone forever even if it may feel as if they might be. Rejoice in who you are as a mom, a woman, a wife, friend, sister... and ask God to help you remember if you have forgotten how to just be you, outside of your mommy or work role.

Prayer: Praise you God. Let our hearts melt for you and let us have confidence in ourselves enough to love ourselves as you so richly love us as your daughters. Help us to be a light in the darkness and breathe a refreshing and renewal into our souls; that we may rejoice in who we are not just what we do. Help us to know our worth in you so that we can have the confidence that only you can give. No matter where we are or what we are doing, breathe a fresh outlook upon us with this identity concept oh God. I love you. Have your way in us Father.

Moms Devotions: Him Alone-Looking Up

istock_000001552360xsmallI have been thinking about distractions again, but not necessarily our "blessed distractions" from yesterday. Although, they got me thinking about how we hurt the heart of God with our not so undivided attention to Him and Him alone. A distraction that steals our eyes from the Lord and diverts us onto a not so righteous path is a distraction that tears at God's heart. I don't know about you, but that hurts me just thinking about it. God is a jealous God remember.

Reflection: There are just so many distractions throughout the normal day, especially as a parent and mommy. So, how much more determined should we be to keep our God time saved and honored for Him alone? It can simply pass us by if we aren't careful. Trust me, I so know this one. The laundry, dishes, diapers, kids' baths, walks; play time and nap times, all take up so much time; not to mention all the other daily chores. So, give yourself a break and don't expect everything to be perfect-on the outside. When things are good with us and God, they are perfect on the inside and that is of ultimate importance.

I hope this gets us motivated to be easier on ourselves realizing we were not meant to do all things alone. Really we were meant to praise our God in all things and look to Him for He loved us first. So, let those dishes go and take a moment during your kids nap time or your bath time where you can simply reflect on God's goodness and where you are with Him. He loves you so much and just wants to bless you. When you take that moment, I pray that He will seep into every aspect of your being and that the Holy Spirit will refresh and bring you new things to ponder and hope for; a true renewal and freedom.

Prayer: God, please take over our every day. Let us focus on you so that our eyes are not wandering here and there and ever busy with things that surely pass away. Let us devote our hearts and time to serve you, our kids and others. Let us be filled in the process with your love, will, wisdom, grace, strength, hope and mercy. You are awesome mighty God!

Romans 5:1-5 "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

Gifts: I love making these beautiful and fun handmade baby blankets. Let me know what you think. We will have more listed soon. I may have to post past orders so you can view them and special order in the future. These baby blankets are getting great reviews. Thanks everyone!

Devotions For Parents: Blessed Distractions

dirty baby

Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!" Hallelujah to that one. What a relief. Have any of you mom's felt distracted as a parent, a mother and caregiver? I am feeling it these days, but in a good way. I know our kids are a blessing and true gift, so it helps me to stay encouraged even amidst the distracting times. Especially because God will keep in perfect peace those whose eyes are fixed on Him. Thank you Jesus. If this were not the case, I would be in trouble. It helps me to refresh instead of react when facing the many distractions of my day.

A few of my distractions from yesterday while trying to get some prayer time in: my oldest has an accident on the couch and urine is everywhere. I wasn't sure what to do so I washed the cushions on cold and with Woolite and they are fine after a long long time in tumble-air-dry, baby decides to try climbing up the stairs, putting hands in sisters potty seat which somehow was empty (praise God), baby vomits over everything in her crib after crying only five minutes before bed, my kids are climbing all over me while talking on the phone or trying to fix dinner... These are only a few examples of what my normal weekend days have looked like so far. And yes, for some reason Saturdays are always the most difficult and we get the least amount of sleep for Church the next day.

Reflection: Even still, God is good. I noticed that if I focused on the stains, smells and strains of my circumstances that I would too bring those same things to light right out of my mouth. For instance, if I chose to be extremely upset and blaming my daughter for her accident, reacting negatively and loud; she'd be sure to only want to wear diapers again and would be feeling pretty awful for her accident. Really I should have made sure to take her to the potty a few times after getting home from church especially since she was so tired. I could have made a stench in other words with my words if I chose to be venomous and angry. This would have also put a strain on my beautiful daughter's innocence and joy for their normal baby and kiddo stuff. Lord help me is a common prayer these days. And, thankfully He is faithful to answer.

I guess I just wanted to share this so we would be encouraged to stand and stand firm keeping the faith when the so called "normal" mommy-hood moments bring the distractions in full swing. When we make sure to keep our eyes focused on God He will provide the peace to withstand any situation. It is equally important to make sure to take the time to pray and praise Him; to read the Bible and seek Him too. This will allow us to rejoice in our little distractions and the blessings that our children are. After all, they will only be this age once and I have a feeling we will surely miss it when it passes us by. Let's take time to play, love and rejoice with our blessed distractions.

Prayer: God, thank you for your wonderful peace and promises. Thank you for my kids and that you alone are perfect. Please help me to stay fixed upon you and not my circumstances so I may be a blessing to you and those around me, especially my children that you have so graciously blessed me with. Be glorified in me today.

Devotional: Blessed Heritage

Three babies sitting indoors holding hands

Good morning all. Well, this one is so far pretty good without as much of the usual nausea. I do however have a gnarly head ache and have eaten over half of a batch of saltine crackers already. So, I'm going to be cutting a few of my posts short if this continues. Only a few weeks left until the first trimester if finished so I am hoping this too shall pass; the nausea and other pregnancy nuances that is. Yet, I am so excited for the journey even if it is a bit hectic at times.

Such is life, right? I have so much to truly be thankful for and am so overwhelmed by the blessing of another baby in the future. God gives us a beautiful gift with our children and I am so amazed at His hand of provision, heritage and love for my family. Romans 8:17 "And if we are children, we have a right to a part in the heritage; a part in the things of God, together with Christ; so that if we have a part in his pain, we will in the same way have a part in his glory." What a magnificent thought and hope. In Isaiah 54:17 we see our beautiful heritage again as it says, "This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me, says the Lord."

Reflection: It is in our power to leave a Godly and loving, empowering heritage to our children as He intended. Each day you are making an impact into the lives of your kids and their futures. Be encouraged that "perfection is not required" and that God is there to lift you up when you may feel as if you are struggling. In those times, just know that you are being stretched and will grow if only you look to learn and look to God for His strength, love and hope to get you through. As we praise God He gives us true freedom. Also, He alone is perfect and we can glean understanding, patience and our increase of faith from Him. Let's go for it!

Prayer: God, thank you for this new life you have blessed me with. Please put your hand of protection and blessing upon him or her and your love and Holy Spirit. I thank you for our heritage and blessings that you alone have given. Thank you for our hope and faith and for your beautiful example of all things good. Please give us patience. I praise you.

Daily Devotionals: In God's Arms


Psalms 68:19 "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." And who faithfully carries us in His arms. Oh, how beautiful that is. I am just so excited and can't wait to hold this new baby in my arms. The thought of the gender, how will he or she look, what will they act like, be like... the list goes on. How patient I will have to be. We've got quite a wait still. :)

Reflection: This makes me think of Father God's love and excitement over His children. He truly wants to bless us and doesn't want to see even one perish. I think every mother holds in her heart that same passion and love for her kids; to see them succeed and be blessed. To be all they can be right? Did you ever imagine you could love as deep and as wide as you do with your kids? Don't they just capture a huge part of our hearts? Don't we just love them more than we ever imagined possible; delighting in their every new step, word and venture? I bet our God is cheering us on in that same way ladies, but even better since He's just perfect.

Let's be encouraged that we have a loving God and father who sees us as His precious children; who's ready to carry our burdens and us in His arms daily; to comfort, provide, shield, heal, bless and love us... Thank you mommies and friends for loving on your baby's the way you do; for showing them the hand and heart of Jesus as you so often carry them in your arms and bear their burdens daily. You moms rock!

Prayer: Thank you God for your loving arms that shield and save us. All things are truly possible with your by our side. Thank you for all moms and for blessing them with miracles of life and children. Let us honor you in the ways we care for and love them.

Side Note: Now, picture yourself in God's embrace; surrendering with open palms knowing you are safe no matter what this day may bring. Also, if you are in need of a hand madeplush baby blanket, ready for personalization and snuggling for baby, check in often as I will be posting new pictures soon.

Devotions For Mom: Burden Bearers

istock_000002143084xsmallGalatians 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Oh my goodness, sleepless nights, teething, screaming and an uncomfortable baby, and nauseated mommy. Yikes, doesn't sound too fun right? That's been my week, especially last night. How refreshing it is when God provides friends-our sisters and brothers in Christ who can come along side us and share in our troubles and problems.

I'll tell you, having another person there to relate to us and listen can be such an encouragement and blessing; especially when the going gets tough. It's also a huge encouragement when we can share in joy with such friends too. Thank you all for your friendship and love in this new journey of life that we are on. We are overjoyed and a bit nervous over the pregnancy news and it has been so wonderful to share... Thanks for rejoicing with us too.

Reflection: Thankfully God is the ultimate example of this as He sent His Son Jesus to bear our ultimate burden of sin; to wash us clean so we could be in right relationship with the Father. I think we as mother's also do this burden bearing on a daily basis with our kids and I am hoping with our friends and strangers too if needed.

It isn't fun to go through life without a friend or friends; especially in those troubling and joyous times. When we can also rejoice, uplift and praise together it is a powerful tool of inspiration, joy and encouragement. So, go find someone to be there for or to share with today. God wants to bless you through your sisters and brothers in Christ.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being my ultimate burden bearer and for giving me blessed friendships that are an example of your love. Thank you for this pregnancy and for my family and my babies. Thank you that every perfect gift comes from you and for sharing in all the season's of my life; for sending friends who do the same. Help me to obey the law of Christ and do likewise always. I love you and need you.


Handmade baby blankets are my new hobby. I especially enjoy making them and praying for the little ones who will get them. If you would like to order just send me an email and I will be happy to follow up with you.

Devotions For Mom: Hungry?

Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

istock_000000287894xsmall"Mommy I am hungry and it is summer outside, it's not dark anymore. Can we go down stairs?" My daughter then asks for dinner as she pulls on the cozyblanket I had wrapped around me. Oh my, what time is it I think to myself. It was actually 8am and it felt more like 3am. My other daughter was surprisingly awake and playing ever so quietly in her crib. Could it really be morning already? Yikes. So not ready to wake up.

Okay, so we didn't have dinner, but breakfast instead. My oldest daughter seems to call most food dinner. As if I only feed her once a day. She's so cute. All the other times for lunch and snacks she'll usually call snack time or "time to eat." So, we had a good morning together as we ate our yummy eggs and toast and watched her favorite Little Bear show with her sister crawling all over everything.

Reflection: I kept thinking, Lord help me rest in you today and be "filled". Another filling that I seemed to also need was a mass dose of caffeine. I realized that my nights had been pretty restless since returning home from vacation; with my baby and toddler waking through the night. I am a light sleeper unfortunately and adjusting hasn't been easy. If I could only sleep as sound as my husband. I don't know about you, but my mind is pretty slow to turn off or rest. It keeps me up at times, praying, rejoicing and crying, you name it... I've been there. Whether it is fear, the unknown, joy or praise, I am so thankful that our Lord's table is always open for us when we wake up and call upon Him in our hunger for His replenishing and word (food). It is just amazing to me that when we seek for righteousness and the things of God, He fills us and our needs.

Prayer: Thank you that when I come hungry, you are always ready to fill me with your love and kindness, wisdom and grace dear Lord. I am so thankful for your provision and protection, your love and grace. Thank you for blessing us as we seek to be righteous Lord. Help me to always hunger for righteousness. Let there be less of me and more of you.

Devotions For Mom: He Gives And Takes Away!

100_3605Job 1: 20-21 "Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, and said, naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

News: God is so good. It's official, we are pregnant with #3, still waiting for our appointment; excited and very thankful. Although a bit surprised, we know God has a plan and thankfully He gives and takes away. So, we can rest assured this life is too in His hands and of His doing. What a blessing and joy. I only wish I didn't feel as nauseated and drained. Honestly I've been a bit zonked with this one so far though. I guess that happens rather easily when you have two other little one's running and crawling around... :) This too shall pass though (nausea). Only another 3 weeks and we are finished with the first trimester and will be 3 months pregnant. Now we just have to make sure we are not having twins. Just kidding, let your will be done Lord.

So, we found out this spectacular news while on vacation recently. I hadn't been feeling quite myself and was tired which is usually not the case for me. I also didn't start "my-monthly- friend" on time. Don't ask why I call it that, but hey I am silly at times. It isn't really my friend but rather a pain, literally. Even still, it does allow us the great opportunity of having children. Needless to say, I won't be getting rid of mydiaper bags, baby slings and other baby clothes as soon as I thought.

Sharing: So, moving on. Me and hubby were on our way with our oldest daughter to celebrate her special day and we decided to get a pregnancy test before eating lunch at a little restaurant in Stanley Idaho. I was anxious to find out the news especially since the test I took before vacation said not pregnant-negative. So, I went into the bathroom, took the test and put it in my pocket to share with daddy. It was kind of a given, looked like a plus sign but a bit faded on the horizontal line. We figured maybe we're not so when we got back from our special day with our daughter who enjoyed her lunch, hail storm experience, the paddle boat and lake, ice cream and cupcake, we decided to take another one (pregnancy test) at the cabin. The answer again was the same which on the box said pregnant for sure-positive. So, we shared the news; delighted and yes a bit nervous too.

Prayer: Thank you that every perfect gift is from you Lord. I am amazed and grateful for the gifts of my children, the miracles that they are and that you would bless me with each of them. Have your way in me and let your will be done. Help me to serve you daily and hear from you. Please bless and protect this pregnancy and baby and give him or her a heart of worship and a love for you. I love you and worship you.

Devotions For Mom: Kids Say The Darndest


Wow, talk about embarrassing. My oldest daughter just spilled the beans on me and daddy while we were on vacation. I don't know about you, but when nature calls out in the wilderness, I just embrace it and go (find a potty). This was especially true since we were out in the middle of the lake and nowhere near a bathroom. We had to paddle to a cove and find some cover... Of course my very observant daughter, as she's waiting with daddy on the paddle boat, sees mommy go off into the woods to go "potty". Little did I know this story would come up at dinner with all the family present as we were reminiscing about our day. She says, mommy goes potty in the bushes and daddy too, but I use the toilet." She hadn't said that to us all day so we didn't notice that she, well noticed. No secrets here folks. Yep, my cheeks were bright red and so were lots of others as they smiled and laughed too. Yikes, I hope I am not alone here or offending anyone. That would really be awkward.

Anyhow, it's refreshing how innocent our daughter is and how she didn't see anything wrong with sharing such details. During other times I've noticed that in her simplicity she's often been wise. I will say "oh no" when a glass or drink is spilled or something is dropped or has fallen down and she will ever so calmly tell me "it's okay" in her very reassuring way. Then off to get a wipey she goes to help me out. The pleasures of parenting are sure to be found in those moments as well as many others... Even still, I guess I should start the lessons on manners and potty training talk and privacy; what and when to share and how since she's approaching age three in a few short months.

Reflection: It amazes me that out of those same mouths Jesus says..."Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise" (Matthew 21: 16). What a true miracle to behold. In Psalm 8: 1-2"O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." In this KJV the "ordained strength" is in reference to issuing strong words against such enemies, and even from "the mouth of babes and sucklings." In the Revised Standard Version and translation, "the little ones chant the glory and majesty of the Lord." God sees the beauty in our little kids even amidst their humorous stories I am sure. It is great when we can too. Even more marvelous (I can't wrap my mind around it fully) is the truth that we can rejoice knowing that through them He has ordained strength and perfected praise. They are His vessels.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are worthy of our praise and that you use our babies to glorify you even as sucklings. This is beyond me here. You are so wonderful and I thank you for the many funny memories and stories from my daughters and the many more to come as my kids grow up. Give them a heart of worship and a joy for you; help them to trust you always and learn from your word and prayer. Through my example and my husbands, let us show them your love continually. Help them to use their words wisely and obediently dear God. Let them be uplifters lacking nothing.

Devotions For Moms: Never Failing Compassion

Naughty DadLamentations 3:21-23
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." How refreshing!

It seems as if there isn't much compassion these days from my kiddos (a bit of sarcasm here). I mean they keep getting up in the middle of the night, teething, wanting a back rub, crying, wanting to talk or be changed... the list goes on. Really, I know this is part of parenting; it just helps me to know that I can be refreshed in hope daily with the Lord, especially when things have been exhausting around the home-front. I guess nobody said it would be easy and at least we can be comforted knowing we are never alone in any of our matters or late nights when we know and trust in Jesus.

Reflection: It's all in our perspective too; how we will react. Thankfully I caught myself laughing at my daughters during their late night waking time because my oldest just says the funniest and sweetest things. She said, mom... and I replied yes my pumpkin pie and she said I love you; as her sister was making the silliest noises in her crib (trying to fill her diaper no doubt). Just melts my heart, my kids and their unique and beautiful blossoming personalities.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for my kids and their sweet personalities. Thank you for your love and compassion, hope and mercy. Help us to be uplifted and close to you daily in our prayers and in your word. Give us compassion for others and especially our children. You are truly amazing and I praise you.

Devotions For Mom: Your Time Matters

100_1849In the midst of our kids and their busy schedules, as well as our own, we may feel as if we aren't possibly doing enough or that our time somehow doesn't matter. I am here to tell you ladies, your time is of ultimate importance to your little angels. Whether you have lots of time or a little to spend and enjoy with your kids, I want to encourage you to make the best of it.

Recently while my youngest daughter was very ill I felt so helpless. There wasn't much I could really do except keep the pediatric electrolytes coming by the tablespoon every 5 to 10 minutes, hold and rock her, love and comfort her and pray for her. Thankfully the medication for her temperature helped too, but ultimately it was the Lord's hand upon her that sustained us. Seeing her so ill was just horrible. However, she always had a smile on her face and never got dehydrated while facing her 10 day flu virus. Bless her little heart, she was quite the trooper. In those times of despair though and exhaustion I had to rely upon God for my strength and hers. Our little ones rely upon that same strength from us ladies; the super moms, super heroes and mommies of today. We are doing it all at times and as long as we make time to share and spend with them they won't feel lost in the shuffle of our daily schedules.

Reflection: Simple steps to having significant encounters with our kids can have a lot to do with how much time we take for them. They can also be affected greatly by our body language and tone of voice. Kids seem to pick up on our vibes whether good or bad and they can be prone to personalize those feelings of stress and tension. Equally amazing, they can take on the same feelings of love, care, joy and peace too. Which would we rather give? I'll mention just a few fun and easy ways to get to your kids' hearts. Looking at them in the eyes is huge and can make them feel special rather easily as you listen to their stories, hear about their day or just share a game of patty-cake or peek-a-boo... The list goes on here. When we get down to their level physically by looking them eye to eye, they feel more connected and understood. So, go for it and have a great gaze into your children's eyes as you enjoy all the funny, unusual and memorable things that will come out of their mouths.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for my children. Whether we have the full day, half day or only hours with our kids, Lord make them meaningful and bless them. I pray that our children would sense your Spirit and love and that you would guide us both into a deeper relationship with you and each other. Help us to be sensitive to our body language and tone around our kids so that they don't have to take on unnecessary stress upon themselves and so that we may fully bless them and be a joyous example showing you as our strength and source. Provide those special times for us moms and our kids so even in the busy times of life, we can have that true heart connection with each other. Encourage us mother's to seize every opportunity to bless our kids and take time for them to make them feel special and know who you are God. Thank you also Lord that you promise us your wisdom even in child-rearing and in our daily lives.

James 1:2-5 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

Devotion: Are We There Yet?

baby-carAlthough vacation was certainly no failure (rather the opposite), it reminded us that in those times of the unknown it is truly God's love and grace and His perspective that can get us through to the other side unscathed if you will... ready to move on and enjoy another journey... strong enough to face the future even if we may not know what it holds. Boy, am I happy to be able to trust and hold onto God in all times. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Let's continue in the encouragement for those of us who may feel as if we've been dealt a wild card this time around. If you have ever been on vacation with kids you have probably heard "are we there yet?" quite often. It was pretty funny when our oldest daughter asked this as we were just 15 miles into our journey. Yikes I thought to myself. We have at least 11 or more hours to go.

Reflection: This reminds me of God's people and how they too were prone to ask their questions from the back seat. They seemed to question and ask "how long?" since their trip out of Egypt. Let's just trust in God's plans because we are uplifted when we know that His hands are firmly placed on the steering wheel and that He will reach His intended destination and achieve His goal and see His kingdom come. This will allow us to rest assured that we are in the best hands ever, no matter what. So, if you are out of a job, your health is in question, your spouse is leaving, you don't know what to do... instead of thinking your victory is delayed and that the Kingdom of God is far off, remember that the things ordained by God, He will see through to the end.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that we don't need all the answers when we give you the steering wheel. Thank you for taking our burdens and sharing also in our joys. Thank you for your sacrifice so that we may live in relationship with you and know your love and mercy.

Devotions: Ahoy Captain!


Wow, how I have missed these daily devotions and time with you ladies. Vacation was, well a blessing and of course trying with two little ones. My husband says that with the kids vacation can be more like a trip... and so it was until Mimi and Papa showed up to help out a bit more so mommy and daddy could also have some time for sleep and fun get-a ways.

Speaking of get-a ways; we took our oldest to the lake for a special day and she just couldn't get enough of this green paddle boat. Usually timid, we thought surely she would change her mind once we got her close to entering the boat, but no way, her mind was set and so the green boat it was. She was our captain and she wanted to go way out in the deep waters of the lake, which kind of surprised us. She kept singing ahoy captain... (From her favorite Little Bear show) while smiling; it was so adorable. So of course we joined in the fun and sang along with her. She just loved it and even sat in the back at one point all by herself, enjoying the scenery and telling us where to go next. The only thing is that our boat wouldn't seem to go the right direction while turning or steering, so hubby kind of ran into a few things on our journey. If we were planning on going left, it would kind of go right, or stay straight and take us to the unknown... Even still, we really enjoyed the adventure and the new fun memories we were creating.

Reflection: Anyhow, the steering problem got my hubby and I thinking about how life just throws us twists, turns and flops sometimes and how just when we think we're in for a real flop, God brings us something beautiful on the other side, literally. So, I thought I would share to encourage us all to hang on when the going gets tough and when things don't seem as they ought. When we trust in a God bigger than all and ourselves, we can truly get through anything. When we can accept His grace for our so called failures and stumbles, enough to let go and leave things at the so called "altar" of life if you will; we can be truly free to live and yep even fail again. I mean, if our boat didn't have such steering issues, we wouldn't have been all over that lake like we were enjoying every part of it. Thankfully God knows our full lake's view (our story) and has a way to get us to where we need to go even if we may not know just where that is yet or how to get there. As my husband would say, God sees the end of our story, not just the beginning and He's there rooting us on to get through another page and chapter, all be it tough at times... He's there to get us to the place of His rest and glory, as we just hold on to Him. Oh, and thank God He never fails.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." Be encouraged that His grace is sufficient. 2 Peter 3:18 "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen."

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are unfailing and constant; that you are our hope, grace, love and future. Allow us to see your perspective in the midst of our unknowing times and struggles, help us to rely upon and accept your grace and hope, setting us free from our own baggage of life. Let us call you the captain of our lives and rely on you for our every need. I thank you for giving us safe travels and healing our baby. You alone are worthy to be praised.

Daily Devotions: Family Vacation Part II

happy child srunsWelcome back! I am still on vacation. That is why I posted the Bible Scripture Reading for this week of August 10-14th. Inspired by Stormie Omartian's book, Praying God's Will for Your Life; she gives "Fifteen reasons to read the Bible daily." Be encouraged and let me know what the Lord puts on your heart this week as you take the time to seek Him. :) I will be posting daily devotions again when I get back and I am praying a blessing over you ladies. See you again Monday am the 17th of August. :)

Day 1: (Psalm 119:11) To correctly shape your life and yourself

Day 2: (Psalm 119:130) To clearly be able to see

Day 3: (Hebrews 4:12) To know your heart and what's really in it

Day 4: (Romans 10:17) "To build faith"

Day 5: (Psalm 16:11) "To have joy"

Prayer: Dear Lord, please speak to my heart and give me a deeper desire to read your word daily. Please bless me and each woman who is taking the time to spend with you right now and give her a new song in her heart, a joy, increase of faith, a pure heart, eyes to clearly see you, and a life shaped for you alone.

Daily Devotions: Family Vacation-Weekly Bible Reading


I've posted a weekly Bible reading for this week's devotions since me and the fam-fam (Family) will be on vacation. Next week's will also be posted later too. I am looking forward to connecting and hearing about what the Lord has been doing with all of you while I've been away. Any insight into the Scriptures or comments, please feel free to share your thoughts. I will be posting daily devotions again when I get back and I am praying a blessing over you ladies. See you again Monday am the 17th of August. :)

My babies have been fighting the tummy flu this entire week and it has been full of stinky you know what's and much vomit unfortunately; fevers too. Clingy babies and toddlers and no time to pack it seems, so Friday is our out a here day we hope. Thank God for Mimi Cheryl is all I can say, or I would not be getting this done or anything else right now for that matter. I am so blessed to be so close to my mother-in-law (mom), and to have my children even closer to her... is such a gift. I pray that you ladies will enjoy the Scriptures and that God reveals some wonderful truths just for you as you read and seek His face.

Bible Reading Schedule for the week of August 3-7. This was inspired by Stormie Omartian's book, Praying God's Will for Your Life; where she gives "Fifteen reasons to read the Bible daily."

July 31, Friday- Extra: (Psalm 119:28, 50, 114) "To have strength, comfort and hope"

August 3rd, Monday-Day 1: (Psalm 119:165) To have peace and get rid of your anxiety.

August 4th, Tuesday-Day 2: (Psalm 19:7-8) To "set things right" when chaos takes over

August 5th, Wednesday-Day 3: (Psalm 119:105) To know the will of God- have direction

August 6th, Thursday-Day 4: (Psalm 107:20) To experience deliverance and healing

August 7th, Friday-Day 5: (1 Peter 2:2) To grow in Christ

Next week's daily devotions Bible reading schedule for August 10-14th will be posted on the 10th. Have a wonderful week.

Fun Summer Slushy Drinks-Non-Alcoholic

istock_000007097272xsmallSummer is here and refreshing is indeed enjoyed and needed. So, get your blenders ready! Get some ice, sparkling flavored water; cherry, lime, raspberry or any other you like. Then, pour in a bit of sprite or ginger ale and top it off with some lemon sorbet or lemon lush (lemon juice frozen and thawed a bit and smashed up or blended for effect :))

Garnish: Sprig of spearmint or lemon wedge, strawberry or any other fruit you like. Another option for a nice slush-drink topper is cranberry lush (frozen cranberry juice-smashed up or blended into a fun frozen treat)

Let's Review... pour over ice, sparkling flavored water (or juice if you like it sweet) and sprite and then add you choice of lush. Grape is really good too and adds a different rich and sweet flavor to the other fruity madness. If you want, you can blend the juice, fruit and ice up along with your lush and enjoy a fully blended smoothie type drink too. Aww... Drink Up and Enjoy!!! Have Fun!

Devotional: My Friend

100_1848"You are my friends if you do what I command," Jesus said in John 15:14. So, how is your friendship with Him these days? He is here to open His arms if you've been far off and are seeking to draw near again; and He's even closer as you are living in obedience as a friend.

There is never an age too young or old to know God's presence. Nor is there a person too tall, thin, short or fat to get to heaven. Isn't that refreshing? The list goes on here... We don't have to worry about how we fit in with Jesus by the standards of this world and our outward appearances, things and material possessions. He is more interested in our hearts and our intentions, amen.

Reflection: Thankfully God is a merciful, loving and forgiving God who wants to bless us. Think about your life and what the Lord has done for you. Take a moment to thank Him for never giving up on you; for drawing near and for being a friend... for not judging you on the outer parts, but the inner most precious-your heart.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for your friendship and for your help in our times of need. Thank you for your standard and for giving us hope and protection always as we look to you.

Side Note: Notice the above baby ring sling? It is my absolute favorite and my daughters too. I just love the versatile fabric options that are offered as well. Let me know what you think.

Devotion: His Presence


Numbers 6:24-26 " ' "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." ' This is my prayer for all of you ladies, for my kids and family too. Who doesn't need peace, grace and blessing? It seems much needed these days for me...

Reflection: When we focus on being in the presence of God, these things will be added to us; peace, grace and blessing. How wonderful our God is. In His presence there is fullness of joy; At His right hand are pleasures forever. As we draw near to God He will draw near to us (James 4:8). And He said, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest" (Exodus 33:14). Graciously, our "LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth" (Psalms 145:18).

Prayer: Dear Lord, I need your blessing today, especially with my babies health. Let her be well and healed. Help her to keep fluids down and not get dehydrated Oh God. Stop her vomiting Father God. Help her sister to also be well...and give us your peace. We love you and give you all the glory.

Side Note: Keeping baby safe in the sun is important this time of year and always. You can be sure to pack all your protective layers and gear in the faithfuldiaper bag. Don't forget a good cover up, baby blanket, bath robe and sunscreen too.

Devotions-Be Blessed

100_1821Numbers 6:24 "The Lord bless you and keep you." This word bless means "to confer well-being or prosperity" but in this Scripture we don't get many details. This bestowed blessing seems to be very broad as if to imply; those being blessed are in for a blessing that completely covers their entire hopes and needs. How great is that? To know that God is in control and covers us providing for our every need. He is so wonderful and wants to bless His children.

Philippians 4:19 says "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Isn't God rich enough in Christ to fulfill His promises, to provide for our needs? Isn't He also generous enough to show His love to His daughters and to tend to our every need with great kindness and care?

Reflection: God often said "Be blessed!" to his ancient people and their needs and difficulties parted. Let us also believe, hope and pray for this for us today. That we would know God's blessing and love and the power that it holds even for us in this very moment. He is mighty to save, our protector and strong tower ladies, sisters... Let's trust in Him to provide for us the need we may have even in this instant. Let's think about some of the ways God has been generous to us; ways He's met our needs, and let's give Him all the glory and praise!

Prayer: Dear Father God, you are holy and righteous, loving and kind. Thank you for blessing us and being the provider of our every need and salvation. Lord, help us to draw near to you and pray seeking you will and trusting in your blessings for us, your love and care. Help us to also love ourselves as we ought to teaching us our worth in you as women of God.