Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotional- My Head Lifted Up

istock_000001552360xsmallPsalm 3:3 "But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head." What a statement. He is our shield, and thankfully the lifter of our head as well. That he would bestow glory on us is amazing to me.

If you are having a difficult time in this economy and the daily struggles of life, be encouraged that God will lift your head up as a loving Father to His children, He will help you keep your focus on Him and look up to hope, salvation, glory and love... to name a few. God shields us even when we may not feel like He is.

Reflection: When we step out in faith and give a sacrifice of praise even amidst our struggles or feelings, He meets us there and lifts us up. Have you felt as if you were in need of a face lift these days, a lifting of the heart, a change of feeling or just in need of hope and encouragement? Let our Lord be the lifter of your head for your situation, trusting that He is a shield around you. Proclaim His covering over you and rejoice no matter how you feel. As you step out in faith and praise Him through every situation, He will bring that glory and peace, joy and hope. Let's rejoice in His wonderful and almighty covering. When we feel as if it is done; there is no hope and that we cannot seem to lift our heads, He will be there to lift our head if we just seek Him and ask Him trusting in His ways for us.

Prayer: Dear Lord, you are the giver of life and a precious shield around me. Thank you for your glory and for lifting up my head in all times as I seek you and look to you. Please help my focus to be on you and help me to give you a sacrifice of praise even if I may not feel like it sometimes. Be glorified.

Side Note: I love carrying my daughters in their baby slings. As we often share those precious moments where their little heads are lifted up and staring at me, I think to myself, they're so precious. They are just adorable little bundles of joy and I just love to keep them close and share those special times together; whether we are snuggling in ablanket together or just playing...

Crockpot Recipe: Chicken Mexican Layer Dish

mexican pizza casserole servedCrockpot Recipe

This one is another favorite: Stacked chicken corn tortilla and bean toss-up.

Need: Corn tortillas for layering, black and refried beans, corn, salsa, shredded cheese, chicken breast or tenders.

First: add chicken to crock pot and then layer with other ingredients, making sure to top the layer with corn tortillas to fit the space (usually 3-4 tortillas depending on size of crock pot). I add chicken/salsa/corn/refried beans and then the corn tortillas and cheese, then the next layer I alternate with the black beans. You can add taco seasoning to your beans first, cumin or chili powder depending on how spicy you enjoy your food and how much seasoning you prefer. Sometimes I go without adding them and still love the recipe. Other times I want more kick.

Sides: sour cream, olives, salsa, lime wedges, chips, guacamole, salad and rice-Spanish style. Hope you enjoy it like we do. Let me know what you think. Happy Cooking and time saving!

Daily Devotional- Please God


Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Now taking a look at the word earnestly here means to take action, that a person is "showing sincerity or seriousness" and is "in a serious manner" pursuing God. Rather than the opposite frivolous attitude towards seeking God, we are told that when we are fervent, impassioned and zealous in other words, we will be rewarded.

Have we noticed the impassioned and fervent determination upon our kids face as they are trying to tackle or conquer a new set of obstacles, toys or food? Whether their obstacles are climbing stairs, using the potty, learning to stand and walk, or just drawing shapes... our kids can be very determined and focused on their task at hand, not wanting to stop at anything until they accomplish what they set out to do. How much can we learn again from their hearts to master these things and not give up?

What greater task do we have than to earnestly and wholeheartedly seek God and love Him? It is so wonderful that we are rewarded as we "earnestly seek him." We may not see those rewards but can trust that they are ours. We can know that when we have faith and just believe along with passionately seeking God, that we are pleasing Him. There are many times that I pray God's will over my kid's lives, my own, friends and family too. It is refreshing to know that as I step out in faith; believe and seek him in all seriousness, that He will be pleased with me. Oh, how my heart desires to please my God. How great that this is a reminder that we can be on the right track as we trust and seek Him.

Reflection: Sometimes those moments of seeking amidst the "unsure" events of life can call us to distrust. But, those of us who remain faithful in belief and also call upon the Lord while seeking him diligently ("constant in effort"), will please Him and have His reward. God is truly the best gift giver ever. I see this daily in my salvation and my children. He is mighty to save and amazing to reward us just for believing and seeking him "earnestly."

Prayer: Thank you God for your love and reward. Thank you for who you are, not what you do for me. I desire to please you and honor you in all things and ask that you would put a deeper desire for me to earnestly seek you in every area of my life, so that I may please you and have an increase of faith... Be blessed by my heart to know you more, to love you in a deeper way and to serve you for my life.

Daily Devotion: Offenses Swept Away!


Isaiah 44:22- "I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you." Okay, so the Jewish people were denying God and Isaiah was warning them of consequences to come. Even-still there is an underlying idea of redemption in each chapter of Isaiah for those who turned away from God and worshipped other things... Best of all, in the closing chapter there is the prophecy of a Messiah sent by God, providing the Jewish people with redemption and salvation, despite their wandering ways. It is true for us also, as the Messiah will provide the gift of salvation for all. As stated in Isaiah 52:10- "The LORD will lay bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God."

Reflection: This is great news since we as people tend to get caught up in our own ways or on our own terms with things, life and God. Many a Scripture shows us just how far God's people tend to go and then turn to Him usually when things have gone bad or hit rock bottom. He shows His dismay with this disobedience but also draws near as He is called upon. In those desperate times when we finally acknowledge Him and call out for help, He is there as a loving father, picking up the pieces and redeeming us yet again. Let's not hit rock bottom before turning to God. He loves us all and doesn't want any to perish, but have eternal life. That is why He has given us each an opportunity for salvation, a chance at a glorious redemption-by simply believing in Him and surrendering to Him. If we want to be restored to fellowship with God and redeemed then we must choose to repent, acknowledging our errors and confessing them to God, believing in His salvation. Do you believe?

Prayer: Awesome God, my redeemer, salvation and hope... please help me to obey you and not turn from you but run to you in life; no matter what I am facing. Help me to hear your voice and focus on you so that I will not grow weary and stray, but grow stronger in intimacy with you and love you even more. Thank you for redeeming me and allowing me sweet fellowship with you.

Side note: Are you looking for some baby shower gifts, or cute baby clothes, diaper bags, personalized baby gifts and other fun things for a new baby, baby shower or baby's first birthday? It seems as if many friends are ready to have their baby showers or baby's first birthday soon, so I have been having fun with new baby gifts too. I especially love making my new handmade cuddler blankets.

Daily Devotions: God Is My Strength


Isaiah 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation."

So, who gives us our strength? Is it the Lord or ourselves? He is plenty able to be all we need and has sacrificed Himself for our salvation. When we truly embrace that concept and hold it as truth, I believe we can live with joy, security and peace despite our current surroundings, situation or circumstance.

Last week we focused on the power of God as our help, strength, protector and guide... In the same way, this week we will be focusing on God's strength for us and His covering; that He is our redeemer, reward, shield, lifter of our head, and refiner.

In order to live in such delight though, there is that constant surrender to the Father, to pick up our cross and follow Him. Meaning that when the battle with our flesh is on, we fight even harder to stand firm in His word and to pray that He would be victorious in us and our lives. I just wanted to encourage us ladies that when the times are tough, as so often they can seem to be, there is that faith and trust in God for His strength, song and His salvation if we just believe.

Reflection: Now, think about the song or songs God has blessed you with and put upon your heart. Think about your first encounter with Jesus as your savior and giver of strength and salvation. Choose to believe in love for your life and victory in Christ. You are precious to the Father, our God. He is with you always and says in Hebrews 13:5: I will never fail you, I will never forsake you. Psalm 124:8 says too that, "our help is in the name of the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." If this is true then, let's call out His name; let's cry out to Him in our times of need believing His grace, mercy and protection for those moments and beyond.

Prayer: Thank you God for your salvation, strength and song. Help me to trust and not be afraid, no matter what I may face here on earth. Help me to look to you always and seek your will for my life and my kid's lives. Give me a deeper desire for your word, worship and time to enjoy you and pray often; giving thanks for all things.

Outings with the kids: Wow, summer has been a blast and the times shared with my kids have been treasured. Toting them around on our many adventures has been fun, except when I forget mydiaper bag . Don't we just pack them so full sometimes and then just forget them at the door realizing later that we are in for a long day if we don't get the babies diapers, formula, pumped milk, diaper ointment,baby sling and baby clothes?

Daily Devotions-Good and Faithful Servant


When we simply trust our God with everything, He promises us eternal rewards: affirmation, promotion and celebration. Isn't that awesome? Let's strive to hear these words from Matthew 25:21: "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness."

Prayer: God you are awesome and I thank you for your promises. Let me be a faithful servant that would bring you glory and that would be pleasing to you. Help me to honor you with the small and big things in life, knowing that you have a plan for all things.

Shopping: If you want to be faithful to bring your kids snacks, drinks and extra baby clothes with you wherever you go... you will need to remember to bring their diaper bag along.

Mommy & Baby Daily Devotions: Our Counselor


John 14:16-17 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." Now, I think that is powerful and boy is it.

Reflection: Do your kids ask you for help? Help me mommy; my shoes, diaper, potty-training, scrapes and bruises... What happens when we may not hear them or are in another room? They come running don't they? They are sure to find us; seeking and asking persistently until their needs are met. I think there is a need for us to seek and cry out to God and follow the example of our kids here and their diligence. They don't just give up and they aren't ashamed to beg, ask for help and call on our name. They even seem to surrender proudly. Do we continue to call upon the Lord in prayer and urgency knowing that "eventually He will answer"? If we trusted our God as much as our kids trust and call upon us, we would have a hard time not seeking His help.

Prayer: Thank you Father for your wisdom, Spirit and help. You are our very provider and I am so thankful for you and all you are and do. Please help me to be persistent in my prayer life, chasing after you always while also being able to rest in you too. Give me a heart to desire you even more daily, to honor you and cherish your Word, prayer and faithfulness.

Side Note: I feel as if I need a counselor when I am out shopping or somewhere with the kids and I forget my baby sling and/or diaper bag. Lord help is all I can say in those times. Wet diapers, tired babies and no diaper bag orbaby sling... uh oh, it's going to be a long trip.

Daily Devotions: Our Protector & Help


Psalm 33:20 "We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield." This verse brings encouragement for me to wait on God trusting Him and being hopeful in the process. How many times do we protect our kids throughout our day? While they are newborns and always. If they are learning how to crawl or walk, stand up solo or climb stairs, run or eat; we are usually watching their every move and on the go. When they are close to a steep edge we pick them up or turn them around and guide them in a new direction. We embrace them if they are scared or hurt; we wash their scrapes and kiss their bumps and bruises. I love to bless and comfort my kids and be with them daily.

In the same way God so amazingly wants to do all this for us and then some... He already blesses our kids and provides for them. Isn't it cool to think of our father God and how He and His Holy Spirit can set us straight when we may be at the edge of a difficult, scary, steep or rebellious situation? He provides that way out and the hope to get over it and through it too. He even lovingly embraces us through our struggles and down times reminding us that this too shall pass and that His plans are good for us. He reminds us that we are loved and cared for, that He won't ever leave us or forsake us. He lets us be ourselves faults and all and still loves us and sees us spotless as we accept Christ and repent for salvation. Wow, who doesn't need a bit of cleansing? When the going gets tough and the tough get dirty, the tough turn to God in my eyes and mind. It is wise to do this too.

Reflection: Did you ever think you could love a human as much as when you first met your little baby or babies, adopted him or her or gave birth to them..., found out you were pregnant...? Kids are such an amazing gift from God. Psalm 127:3 " Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." As our protector God also gives us a direct line to Him through our prayers and thankfully He intercedes for us too. Prayer is a huge source of protection for us also. So, I encourage us to check in with ourselves and God and make time to pray. Pray over our children and our day; our lives and daily duties and trials that may arise. Oh, and don't forget to also rejoice knowing that God hears and answers your prayers.

Prayer: Thank you for the gift of parenthood and motherhood, for the blessing of my child (ren) and the future that you have planned for my family. Please be the center and allow me to always look to you for hope, guidance, joy and strength, not wavering but standing firm even in the midst of trials and what can seem like disaster. Have your way in me oh God.

Shopping: Many of us desire sweet baby gifts for our newborn, kids and the "apple of our eye." We also enjoy getting others those fun and unique baby gifts and hand made baby blankets, original keepsakes and more. When shopping though it can get overwhelming if we're carrying the baby, diaper bag, stroller and car seat with us all the time. Try to simplify and shop online. It is a great option to busy schedules, saves gas and money and gives you more time to share with your kids at home or elsewhere.

Daily Devotions: Got Gifts?

istock_000005441444xsmallPsalm 23:3 "He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." I am so blessed to know God as my father. He gives us wisdom as we ask for it; love, provision, healing, protection and joy too. These are just a few of His wonderful gifts for His children. What gifts are we giving our kids and family lately? Do we exhibit the joy and love that God so graciously gives us? Do we take time to listen as they share their sweet stories, interrupt our work or television...? Are we there for them in their desperate times?

Reflection: Let's be the comforter that God has made us to be as parents and mother's. We can make a difference in eternity as we raise our children in the loving and restoring, renewing and comforting grace and power of God. As we look to Him let's not forget His restoration and how close it is in reach if we are in need of it. When the troubles seem to overflow you can rest assured that God is your covering and source of renewal and comfort. Lean upon Him and ask for His provision for your every situation that He would restore your soul, guide you along right paths for His names sake.

Prayer: Thank you for your refreshing touch and love in my life. You are a loving father and I am thankful that you are always available to me and renew and refresh me, especially in my desperate times of need. You also rejoice with me and give me joy overflowing... Please help us to be a comfort to others as you guide us, that we would be a joy and light, glorifying your name.

Gifts: Sweet baby showers and fun newborn moments are perfect for getting baby gifts for friends and family. Make it memorable and spend time with mommy to be also. Help her with some chores around the house and take her out to lunch too.

Daily Devotions: My Deliverer

OK!Psalm 70:5 "But as for me, I am poor and needy; please hurry to my aid, O God. You are my helper and my savior; O Lord, do not delay.

Isn't it amazing how much God helps us if we just ask, if we just open the door as He stands there and knocks (Rev. 3:20). He is always there and calls us His children; those who believe in Him. Don't we also help our kids as they cry out to us in need and reach for our embrace and support? It is a sweet offer the Lord gives; His peace, help and salvation to all who accept. Not just the few, certain kinds, but to all who accept and call Him their savior and king. He wants what is best for His children. Thankfully He's patiently guiding us in this journey of faith or even in a journey of question as we are open and honest with Him; seeking His help and acknowledging our need.

Reflection: How much can we help others and bless the Lord today and this week? I am sure there are many ideas going through your mind right now. Take action and serve someone in their need, or lend a hand to your kids when they are in need and see God's hand upon you in the process. Ask Him to help you and allow you to help others too. Realize too that when we notice our need and poverty, there is hope. When we see our flaws and seek His help, there comes healing, joy and peace. When we fear the Lord it is the beginning of wisdom.

Prayer: God I thank you for all of your help and your ultimate sacrifice and salvation. You are the answer to my every need and I love you and need you desperately. Help me to rely upon you always and not myself or others. Let your will be done in my life and the lives of my kids, family and friends. Thank you that in our need and poverty, you bring forth provision and blessing, for you are worthy and kind and a wonderful father.

Shopping Ideas: Needing a baby shower gift, unique baby gift, cute baby baskets, baby slings, or other sweet gifts for baby? You can be sure that you will findpersonalized and handmade baby gifts to be at the top of every mom-to-be's wish list.

Daily Devotions: Got Fear?


Malachi 4:2 "But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture." What an amazing hope of God's healing to those who fear His name. What might your fears hold for you this day? Is it the finances, the lack of knowing what your future may hold, the many questions that weigh heavy on your heart, a scary situation you may be facing... God is saying; fear my name and I will bring your needs, your healing. I think all too often we may even be giving too much care to what others may think of us, rather than God and fearing what He thinks of us. After all He knows us and already knows what we will be doing tomorrow. He has a plan and future for us that is good. If we can grasp His unconditional love and grab hold of it knowing that we are not alone and that His Word and His opinion of us are the ultimate guideline for our standards, our future, and our hope-we will be living in true freedom, healing and all the goodies He wants to lavish upon us.

Reflection: When I think of fear, it isn't usually a good feeling that I experience, except in this regards: fearing God's name. Have you noticed that your kids in fear of you may want to do better at certain things? Not that they are anticipating a bad reaction from us, but that they want to please us and do well for that positive reinforcement and acceptance. God gives us an easy way to please Him and be free and joyous as we just honor Him enough to fear how He sees us and the power that is in His name. If our kiddos took us serious always and feared our names then there would be lots more obedience at times I am sure. Let us be the examples to them, as they are such sponges taking in all they see, hear and feel. Let's show our reverence to the Lord as we respect and admire Him before our children and others, as an example of our love for Him and devotion to Him. After all He is our life, I think and we would have nothing without Him.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are our joy and healer as we trust in you and fear you. Help us to revere you enough to fear you and trust you enough for our every situation and season that we are facing. Take away our fears of this world and replace them with a heavenly fear. Give us a teachable heart and spirit and allow us to be good witnesses of you to our children and others so that you may be glorified and seen in us. You amaze me by your grace when we pass you by in the times we ought to fear you most. Guide us so that we may fear you and in doing so be able to be fearless about the other business of our days and lives. You are awesome Mighty God, glory to your name.

Daily Devotions-God's Covering

7-10-9Romans 10:13: "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." The power in His name, it's amazing. He also tells us; "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you," in Hebrews 15:5. We serve a powerful God who is more than able to heal (Mal 4:2), deliverer (Ps.70:5), protect (Psalm 33:20), restore (Ps. 23:3), help (John 14:16), give strength (Isa. 12:2), give rest (Jer. 50:6), redeem (Isa 59:20), reward (Heb. 11:6), shield (Ps. 33:20), refine (Mal 3:2-3) and lift your head (Ps. 3:3) in any situation.

All it takes is action on our part and faith to believe in what isn't seen. As we learn more about the Lord and acknowledge Him in every part of our lives, we know He is with us (Emmanuel). Intimacy then grows along with trust and an increase in faith.

Reflection: We all have a story and past. Some have been very painful and depressing. I can relate to that pain and past and am thankful to have given my hurts over to the Lord, trusting in His healing and His renewing plan for my life. That was over 10 years ago now, and I am reminded even-still of where I came from. Our hurts can be healed and removed by speaking the name of Jesus over the situation; asking or proclaiming His power and love over our past and present. I know I needed the reminder of God's healing while dealing with an ill baby this morning.

Action: If you need a healing in your life or situation, then speak it out and proclaim: God, you are my Healer. If lonely, God you are my Companion and Friend. For times of oppression, God you are my Deliverer. When we step out in faith and believe His presence to be with us, proclaiming His Glory and provision over us, we will see Him move and restore us and our situation, circumstances...In more ways than we could ever ask or think of.

Prayer: Jesus you are the answer to my every need, the provider and deliverer of my every situation. Thank you for the opportunity of salvation and for loving and caring for me the way you do. Help me surrender my daily needs, pains and pressures to you always. You are a sweet covering over me.

Finally: Just a few pictures of my new hand-made baby blanket creations now available. Hope you all like them as much as I love making them. There are also great baby gift baskets for baby shower gifts or babies first birthday too. These baby blankets are so soft and plush that pictures alone don't do them justice. :)100_1280100_1998100_1995100_2017

Mommy Daily Devotions: Trust In The Lord


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6)." Did you catch the emphasis on the word all here? If we truly desire positive results for our lives, then we must acknowledge God and submit all areas of our lives over to Him as our Lord. We need to be diligent in giving Him the reigns by asking Him to be the Lord over all areas of our lives. We should do this often.

Thankfully our God isn't a bulldozer who is going to rush in and barge the doors down inside our hearts. We all deal differently with Him and His invitation to meet with us and be the Lord over our lives. He totally understands that. You may want to invite Him in quickly and give free reign to visit all areas of your inner home (heart), where others may be leaving Him in the lobbies of their hearts indefinitely, keeping most doors closed off. I think for me, I slowly allowed Him into certain areas of my life. Then, as I allowed Him access to the opened doors of my life, He would shed light on areas of struggles and bring healing and cleansing; which then encouraged me to invite Him to take control over all of my life.

No matter where God is in your heart and home, you can rest assured that He will continue knocking quietly and persistently until you are ready and until He's invited. Once the invitation is there, He will bless you and uncover certain corners in your life that He will purify, refresh and rebuild. It is an amazing gift to surrender to our Lord in all areas since He truly is the Lord of life and love. What a sweet covering and shelter He provides us as we let Him in.

Reflection: Isn't it so sweet to see how our children rely on us for their needs; trusting us to provide, protect and love them? Don't we just love to bless our kiddos and fill them with joy, leading them in the right path? It is so beautiful to see their confidence grow as we do this and to watch them bless others as they rely on us for support. Equally as beautiful is when we apply that trust and faith in our heavenly father too.

I love it that God is our healer. When we may see decay in our hearts or lives, He can come in and bring life and restoration, as He is compassionate for us. So, if you desire to make Jesus the Lord over your life, and gain healing and life in your dying situation, make sure to invite Him in and give all things over to Him. He loves us so much that He gives us a choice. So many times, I hear people say this bad thing or that bad situation or circumstance is because of God or they say He doesn't care. That is bogus. Really, He gives us a choice and that is true love. He cares so much, not to force Himself on us. So, will you choose to open up the doors of your life and heart and let Him join you as you surrender to Him your entire self? If you are ready and willing, you are in for the best awakening of your life and a love that is never failing. Hand over the reins of your life and be set free.

Prayer: God you are so amazing and I thank you for your compassion for us, your perseverance and gentleness amidst our stubborn hearts. Be Lord over all areas of my life dear Jesus. I allow you into every inch of my being and life. Take it all and allow me to obey you in this journey of life. Praise you Lord. Thank you for giving all of us a choice...

Daily Devotions- Blessed & Needed Rest


Wow, what a full schedule we have as mommies. From the time our babies are awake till the time they are down for the night, we nurture and provide for them. We get them ready and dress them, feed them, nurse, change and bathe them, among other things. This reminds me of how wonderful God is to us and how He is our ultimate provider and how much He truly loves us and is always with us (Hebrews 13:5). ( Psalm 139:7-"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?") (In Matthew 28:20 he says- "... I am with you always, even to the end of the age".) Besides that though, it makes me take a look at rest and my desperate need for it. Genesis 2:3 says, "Then God... rested from all His work". He set the example here.

So it should also be for us. Don't we need a refreshing and peaceful moment? Yes, the answer is yes. Most times it isn't until the kids are in bed that I realize I hadn't taken much of a "me-moment". Actually an entire week or more can go by when I realize this need for rest too. I know how important it is to do this; it just seems to slip away unnoticed with the busy mommy schedule that I have. I am sure most of you can certainly relate and even have more of a hectic schedule. Gone are my days at the spa, monthly manicures and pedicures, unless I happen to make time to do them myself of course. I find it therapeutic actually, along with making hand bags, baby blankets and jewelry.

Reflection: It is okay to rest and it will refresh you by doing so. That's why I am hoping to encourage us to take a "me-moment". Plan it and schedule it in for yourself. It doesn't have to be a spa day to be refreshing after all. So, a few ideas for some me- moments: read (even if it is a small article or passage you enjoy), listen to your favorite music and relax, if you want to accomplish a task at the same time while crafting is a joy for you then take a moment to make yourself a necklace or do your nails, write a song, or sing... Just those few things can really be revitalizing and help you to feel refreshed again or revved up for your next mommy moment. The idea is to rest though, so don't overdo it if you are planning on crafting. Don't try to start a huge project that will cause the opposite of rest.

Prayer: Dear God, help me rest so I can be the mommy you desire me to be. Thank you for your love and wonderful sacrifice, for your example in all areas of my life.

Request: If you have some refreshing insight and ideas for rest and good "me-moments", please share. We are all in need of inspiration and can learn a lot from one another. Your comments, suggestions and sharing... they are all welcomed and appreciated. Hey, I will even reply too. And yes, some of you may be thinking the crafty thing isn't much rest, so now you know, I have a difficult time resting. ")

Daily Devotions- God Loves Us

happy cuddle with mother"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

The sweet praises of my daughter just fill my heart with joy. As we sing the Lord's praises together, I realize how true the words are also for me. "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me..." What a great song. They are not just for the pint sized mini- me's. After all, the message of that song tells us that we are loved, that He loved us so much that He gave himself as a sacrifice, that our Bible is true and worthy of reading and believing, and that when we are our weakest, His strength shines through perfectly. What wonderful doctrinal truths.

Yes, our little children are such great examples and belong to God also. God wants us to come to Him as little children and have faith like they do (Mark 10:15). What innocence and joy babies and children portray. Wouldn't it be nice to rest in such faith, knowing and believing that "scripture is God-breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16), having joy amidst chaos...

Reflection: Let's allow ourselves to seek God in the simple things and to have faith like a child. Reflect on some children's songs and allow them to minister to your heart. Ask God to help you worship with any song and in any occassion. Worship Him in a new way today and give Him a new song from your heart.

Prayer: Thank you for loving our children and us. Help me to have a more child like faith. Thank you for your sacrifice and the hope that we have in your strength, especially in our most difficult times of weakness.

The Reassuring Properties of Baby Blankets

67505_003Made famous in pop culture by Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts comic strip, the baby blanket has come to symbolize early childhood. Although its use should be curtailed well before a child reaches Linus’ age, a blanket is an indispensable part of a youngster’s development. Blankets provide a sense of stability as babies absorb staggering doses of information each day.

Once a child outgrows the baby blanket, parents can salvage the material and fashion it into a keepsake. Years later, a child can tap into the powerful nostalgia that these childhood blankets often retain. As one of the baby’s first earthly possessions, a blanket establishes a link to the past that can be preserved well into the future. Handmade baby blankets are especially wonderful as a keepsake baby gift.

Daily Devotions for Mom- Protection In The Arms Of God

istock_000001552360xsmallDeuteronomy 33:27, "The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you. He drives out the enemy before you; he cries out, 'Destroy them!'" When the daily trials seem too much and we just can't seem to get a brake or see the end in sight; sleeping babies, a warm bubble bath, nice time with hubby... God is there and He sees it all. Thankfully, He will get us through it. When a close friend or family member dies, you or a friend is battling for life due to a life-threatening illness, you've lost your job and can't seem to find another... God is still there. In His loving embrace He comforts us and is a great example to us; just as we can bring comfort to each other with a warm embrace and encouraging hand to hold or hug. We do this daily as moms. When the babies cry, we pick them up and cradle them in our arms holding them close, offering comfort and security.

Isn't it a sweet gift to us when we are comforted by our friend's embrace, as they hold us close in struggling times? We need human touch in my opinion. Don't we all long for this touch; someone to protect and hold us when we are afraid sorrowful or troubled? Our God wants to protect us and comfort us as a father with his child. Like a hen encompassing her chicks beneath her wings providing shelter, our God provides shelter and protection in our times of trouble and in our daily needs. Psalm 27:5 says: "For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock."

Reflection: Let's imagine God's loving arms embracing us and giving us that sweet comfort. Whatever your load or cares are-hand them over to God. He isn't unapproachable or distant. He wants to bless you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your everlasting love and arms of protection that are constantly around me; for the peace that you bring despite my circumstances. Thank you for the joy of knowing you are always with me and that you never fail.

Easy Grill Recipe- Kabobs, Vegi-Chicken-Steak or Sausage

KabobsA Griller's Favorite: Kabobs with Vegetables, chicken, steak and/or sausage. You can skewer all of them or just skewer the veggies and keep the meats separate on the grill. Get a pack of skewers and add your food on one at a time. It is fun and colorful to make them with a mix of vegetables, chicken and sausage all on one. However, if you are serving them for a large gathering you may wish to just add each group separately just in case your guests don't like certain veggies or meat and are vegetarians. If you skewer them separately, you can then take the vegetables and meat off the skewers and place them in fun serving dishes or leave them and guests can use a fork to push off the amount they want, while leaving the remainder for others to enjoy as well. This is the best way to get the least amount of waste and to make sure you can meet the needs of your guests, especially if you have vegetarians who don't want the meat. You can place their skewers away from the meat while cooking too.

Vegetables: Get mushrooms, zucchini, onion, bell peppers (any color) and cut them into 1" slices to fit on a skewer. Don't cut your mushrooms, just skewer through the stem and the middle of the mushroom to get it on tight. You can first marinade the veggies in a teriyaki sauce or sesame mixture before adding to skewers.
Pineapple is good on the grill also and doesn't even need to be on the skewer unless you want to add it. You can just leave the core in the pineapple and then slice it into rings for the grill. You can then cut the core out after grilling if you wish. Tomatoes are good added to the kabob too, especially the small round cherry tomatoes.
Meat: Get some sausage or brats and cut them in 1" slices or thicker if you wish and add them to the skewer. Chicken should marinade in your sauce for at least 30 minutes or overnight. Steak can be cut into bite size pieces. Add marinade or just salt, garlic salt and or pepper for your steak. You can cut it to add it to your kabob or just grill it separately for about 10-15 minutes on low to medium heat. Shrimp can be added also. Just grill for less time and add a splash of lime juice and you're set.

Marinade: I like to use a sesame and teriyaki sauce. You can also try your own mixture or salad dressing like zesty Italian or mix together some oil-vinegar-worcestershire sauce and sugar to marinade the goodies. Sugar tends to burn more easily on the grill though.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." Summer time means grilling time for our family. Have Fun!

Mommy's Daily Devotions: Promise Of Good Things

Happy child with painted handsGod promises good things to come despite our trials when we praise Him and are thankful while going through such disasters or hard times. He says: "count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience" (James 1:2-3). Oh my, who can't use a bit more patience, especially as a mother and parent? I know I need to pray for mine often.

Maybe your trials consist of removing paint from the walls that your child or children decided to add for you, or vomit from a sick baby, potty training messes and accidents... Or maybe it's a health issue, job issue or the lack thereof, a learning disorder with the kids or a tense marriage and financial stress. Oh boy, does the list go on.

With this economy in its current state and many people and families in difficult financial strains or situations, it is nice to remember God's promises, His plans and future for us who love Him. So, if you are just exhausted in your journey as a mother and needing a glimpse of hope, God is for you not against you. He is present in your comings and goings and wants to fellowship with you deeply. He also loves you and knows everything about you. Having said that, He also wants us to be tested at times. When we can be tested and praise Him even-still, what a strength that becomes for Him and for us. Don't lose hope during those times of testing; knowing God truly wants the best for you.

Reflection: What an awesome God we serve. His love is truly amazing. His sacrifice life giving to all who accept Him. When you catch yourself trying to figure out what you should do next in the midst of disaster or trials, make sure to reach up and out with your words of surrender, asking God to intervene. Then you can wait and watch as He moves in for you in ways you couldn't have imagined.

Prayer: All powerful and wonderful Jesus, teach us to praise you through the storms that life seems to drown us with at times. Help us to keep our faith in you and to hold strong while faced with various temptations and trials. In such times, help our families to grow stronger and closer and to be more focused for you. I thank you that although temptations come, you always give a way of escape. Help us rest assured in the promise of good things to come and in your deep love for us all.

Okay, kind of a tangent coming: The above picture reminds me of the joy that our kids have when getting ready to paint, all messy and colorful... they can't seem to want to wait to see what the future holds, especially the future mess. They seem to trust that it is good and they can't wait to get their hands dirty and into their artwork and finger or hand paints. In the same way, we can see our messes as opportunities to become more like Christ and more patient. It all depends on our perspective.

Mommy Daily Devotions- A Fragrant Sacrifice

Cute little girl giving yeloow flowers"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God" Ephesians 5:2. I am so thankful that we can be a pleasing aroma as we serve the Lord as mothers.

How many of us own a scent of perfume, or maybe more than one? There is a large market for perfume these days and with all the celebrities continuing to add their own scents, it is ever increasing. This wasn't so much the case when Jesus was born since perfume was identified as a sign of significant wealth. Jesus received perfume as a gift after His birth. Later perfume was also used sacrificially for His anointing prior to His death. We learn about sacrificial love in Ephesians 5 and the importance of following Christ as our ultimate example. Is your sacrifice a sweet perfume and an aroma that is pleasing to God?

Reflection: If you are a mommy you know the daily sacrifices that you make and the self sacrifice that is needed. Once you held your baby in your arms, your agenda and needs became second to that special blessing. Have you ever felt personally lost in your motherhood journey, feeling unimportant? You aren't alone; many moms have felt this way before. I am here to remind you though, that you are a pleasing scent to the Lord and that He delights in your one-of-a-kind great sacrifice; only offered by your unique love. Believe that your love which is poured out sacrificially, is like a sweet perfume to the Lord, one in which only you can make.

Prayer: Thank you dear God that my mommy status is pleasing to you and that you delight in my sweet perfume and daily sacrifices. Thank you for being my sweet perfume in such a stench filled world and for seeing significance in my mommy duties.

Daily Devotions for Mommy-Be Happy= Don't Worry

beanie-kaeli"I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe" Psalms 4:8. Now, doesn't that sound wonderful, to lie down in a peaceful, restful and complete sleep. When is the last time you were granted such sleep? Let's just say, it's been awhile for me, especially with a nursing baby and toddler. Unfortunately insomnia is on the rise with many people filling their days with busyness and their nights spent staying up late, tending to all the daily duties they missed and worried about. Another dilemma occurs when we worry about and fret about what needs to be accomplished tomorrow, while sacrificing today's rest in the process and valuable family time too.

"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today" Matthew 6:34. Oh, how seemingly true that is. We are also told in Matthew 6:25, "not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing?" When we truly trust that God is in control, we can spend our days in a God centered and focused manner rather than a busy-activity focused state. Allowing us to be fully alive and awake, God gives His supernatural peace to those who seek and trust in Him. You mean, the to-do-lists and worry of today can be set aside to reflect and refresh in God's presence, His word and prayer? Yes. Thereby giving us energy to be fully awake, or shall I say-alive during the day so that when night comes, we can fully rest.

Okay, I am still learning how to do this rest thing, daily. It thankfully doesn't mean that we will be inactive or without a schedule. God knows I've got that, energy and a busy schedule. So, I am waiting and seeking for where the spirit is leading, living in freedom knowing that God is always watching out for you and me.

Reflection: If God is love and life, then in Him, we can be fully alive. What a concept. Thank you Jesus. Let's take action and write down the things that may be weighing us down: extra baby weight, finances, health, looking for a job... and give them to God, surrendering fully in the process. I believe He will honor you as you surrender each one to Him, acting in faith.

Prayer: Thank you God for your constant covering of protection and love and for your ever watchful eye. Thank you for providing us with a life full of freedom, safety and true joy. Be blessed today as we surrender to you and trust in your timing, your plans and your provision. Help our children see our reliance upon you and gain security from it also, trusting in you for their future and present... for all things. Let us not worry, but be happy...

Mommy & Baby Daily Devotions- Power Of The Tongue

istock_000000287894xsmallProverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Now, that's a powerful statement.

I urge us to put our tongues to good use in the area of blessing rather than cutting others down, even ourselves. When we speak down to or about ourselves it is like speaking death to our souls. So, if you're speaking death by telling yourself you aren't good enough, that you are fat, ugly or unloved, please stop. Instead speak life and tell yourself you are loved, a precious child of the Almighty God and yes, beautiful. He has a great purpose for your life, especially as a mother and parent.

Isn't it great that we can speak life into our situation and into the lives of others also, especially our children? Hearing sweet and sincere comments, a kind word of encouragement, or a simple greeting of hospitality sure goes a long way. I believe we can give a heart of love and confidence, security, joy and hope to our kids, as we live for God and are an example of "speaking life" daily, for them to mirror and enjoy. On the spin side of that, we can greatly hinder our children by "speaking death" with harshness and critical attitudes depleting the very nature of their innocence and open hearts to learn and grow. When we do this we will cause depression and insecurity in our kids, not to mention- a seed of rebellion.

Reflection: We can do this ladies; nurturing and giving life with our tongue. After-all, isn't that what God has made us for, to give life? Well, along with glorifying Him of course:) We can make a difference. We can choose to speak life into our children and ourselves. Often times we get so busy doing so much for others and taking care of the babies that as mommies, we forget to do for ourselves. So, don't forget the "power of life and death" that is in the tongue even as you speak to yourself. Go lavish yourself with positivity today, knowing that your God has got your back!

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the power of the tongue and for your mercy when it is what it shouldn't be. Help us to speak life into ourselves and our children, spreading to others in the process with blessings. Help us to embrace this and thrive where you have planted us as mommies. Thank you that our hard work and pressing hours of nurturing aren't going unnoticed by you. Help us to trust in your timing as we don't always see the fruit of our labor in our time. Have your way oh God, for your ways are truly best!

Action: Take the time to pray with your kids and tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Tell your husband that you respect and love him and give your family a group hug and laugh together. Make time to love yourself too.

Great kids resource for free information on potty training, easy and healthy recipes, games and educational fun for kids too. Information for preschoolers fitness and nutrition too. Lots more to come... Happy and Blessed Parenting!

Mommy & Baby Daily Devotions- Got Light?

happy cuddle with motherOkay, so the electricity went out the other day around 3am and it totally reminded me of God's light and His presence with us always even in our darkest times. I was thankful to find a flash light nearby to get down the stairs safely. That flash of light got rid of the darkness surrounding me and sheltered my way to the kitchen to get my baby a cup of water. Truly, God offers us the best covering in the world, life and freedom to live it. After Saul's (Paul's) encounter with Jesus "on the road" he was told by Jesus in Acts 26:18 that he was being sent 'to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'

Clearly this shows that our darkness can become light. Our terrors, joy. Our sorrow, delight. God's forgiveness is for us. I know God has healed me of serious illness in the past and removed things in me that only a physician was suppose to be able to. Wait, God is our ultimate physician, He is the light. He removed several polyps in my uterus and healed the scars so that I was able to have my babies. About five years ago this happened when I was scheduled for surgery after several tests, sonograms and confirmations that my uterus was filled with polyps to the point the Dr. had said, "It looks like oatmeal in there." Next, the Dr. said there were "no polyps" as the surgery was unexpectedly cut short. Miraculous, truly God is our healer and provider. That day I walked out of the hospital knowing that God had intervened and given me a peace that I would be able to have children. Sharing this still brings tears to my eyes and such joy.

Reflection: I guess this is just to share encouragement, that no matter what your situation or where you are, or how far away you may feel or how hurt; you are able to have His light, to get out of the darkness. His peace is everlasting and His love never failing. Be blessed as you take time to reflect on the light that He surrounds you with this day and always. Write down a few memories of when God shed light on your life and situation and give Him thanks, worship and praise for those gifts.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your many blessings, light and love in this dark world. Thank you that you desire to bless us. Thank you for healing me in many more ways than just one. Help me to hear you and know you more intimately that I don't miss out on what you may have for me. Thank you for using the bad that's happened in my life, for your good. Help me be the light too. I love you Lord.

Mommy & Baby Devotion: Grace For Us


"The gracious to you" Numbers 6:25. What wonderful intentions God has for us, not just for today but for all eternity. His intentions don't waver and they stay gracious and forever wonderful, thankfully. We see this throughout the Bible, in our gracious Holy Spirit; teacher, comforter, guide and friend. Isn't grace also seen in Jesus, the Great Physician? Do we consider God as our gracious host? There's the banquet feast, the Lamb's marriage supper, which is being prepared even now for us, as we are invited in Jesus (Revelation 19:6-9).

Reflection: We can be confident in God's grace as it stands firm for us forever and is always good. We can think of a gracious note and how it touched our lives, making our day or month, especially in difficult times. God brings people into our path to show us grace also. Let's not be too busy to be those people giving God's grace and love and not too busy to notice the gifts of grace He's given us in others. Let's also be thankful for the grace of our Lord and His benediction.

Prayer: How gracious you are Lord, to us. Thank you for your love and example, the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Jesus you are our best physician, healer and friend. You amaze me and I know in my mind how gracious you are. Let my heart also know more deeply and trust more deeply in your abounding grace. Help me be gracious to my children and others.

Mommy & Baby Devotion-Graciousness


2 Corinthians 13:14 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you." What an awesome prayer and blessing for us. We are offered peace, security and stability as we rely on God's "good words" of grace as He's spoken them to us and will continue to.

I believe God's grace is an anchor for us, which provides a solid and everlasting foundation that can be relied upon in any situation or circumstance. Grace provides peace for us and security in knowing God smile is continually upon us in Christ. However, the grace must come first in order to receive such a miraculous peace. I find it so interesting how Paul often opened his letters with "Grace to you and peace from our God and Father..." Do you see how peace always follows grace there? Interesting isn't it?

Reflection: Do you need peace today and where? A difficult or tense relationship? Your finances? A heart of guilt from a past sin that still haunts you even though you have confessed and received God's forgiveness? No matter what your peace need is, God has your answer, for Jesus is the answer. We just need to reach out and up and ask Him to fill that need, trusting that He hears and will answer. He will, in His timing.

Prayer: Lord thank you for your grace and peace. Pour it upon us and be gracious to us, especially... God, you are our need, and we thank you that we can petition anything to you and that you will hear us as we seek you. Help us in all areas of life to offer you our concerns and burdens, to look to you for direction and peace and to be gracious as you have been to us.

Mommy & Baby Devotion-Blessed Peacemakers


Have you ever noticed a person by the way they carried themselves? I have and I believe that our lifestyle and actions speak more than our words most of the time. Can you relate? When is the last time you witnessed a good deed, a young person open the door for an elder, a toddler say please and thank you, an act of kindness or a person making peace? How did it make you feel? Matthew 5:9 says, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Aren't we all God's children? I believe we show this by acting out in peace and following God's ways.

Trust me; this weekend wasn't the easiest as I was ill and the kiddos too. Let's just say, my patience wasn't at its best. I definitely need my daily reminder to be a peacemaker, especially after being ill. How many of us know that we are on a shorter peace leash when we aren't feeling well? Or, is it just me? Have you been blessed by a peacemaker lately? What feeling are you left with? In what ways can you be a peacemaker?

Reflection: God is the ultimate peacemaker, sending Jesus to make peace for us all by dying on the cross; bearing all of our sins and giving us new life-to all who believe. What an amazing example of selflessness, grace and mercy... We can also show such grace and service to others, especially our children as we take action to be a peacemaker daily. Instead of then, just removing the baby from our toddlers grip and not explaining why they should not lay on baby, we could help them understand for the future, why it isn't safe to do this and how to better act in the future, thereby making peace. Taking the time to explain and show our children the many ways of making peace will surely be a blessing to us and others.

Prayer: Lord thank you for being the ultimate peace maker. Please help us have patience as we walk in your peace and take action to be peace makers. Show us how to bring peace in our homes and daily duties and allow our children and others to reap the blessings of your peace at work in us. Help us and our children grow in knowing and acting in your peace and desiring your will. You are amazing and I love you Lord. Let us see others through your eyes, making peace easier to grant and grasp...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby Shower Gift Ideas: Baby Clothes, Slings, Personalized Gifts and More


There are so many choices for baby gifts today. How do you know you are getting the best in baby gear, baby blankets and baby clothing and gift baskets? A few questions to ask when shopping for such gifts: Is this original and unique, is this safe for baby, is this going to last awhile, is this the correct size, a good price, and is this something mommy needs?

  • When it comes to baby clothes and baby blankets you want to get the softest fabric available and tag less if possible for clothes, for babies comfort. Although, you may find that tags on blankets draw much attention and joy for your baby, as they love to play with, suck and chew on them. If interested in the handmade baby blanket below, please comment for special order options and pricing.100_1446
  • You can be sure that personalized baby gifts will be a hit for any mommy at her baby shower; as she sees her babies name or initials on a blanket, sweater or other baby keepsake, she will love it.
  • As for baby gift baskets, variety and quality are key. There are several choices these days for such baskets. You can get a gift basket full of toys, bath essentials, clothing, blankets, robes and other personalized goodies too that even include hand print kits and snacks for mommy and daddy. If you are really creative, you can have fun making your own baby gift basket and adding those personalized items for extra love.
  • As for baby clothes sizing, your best bet is to get a size 3x's bigger; such as 3-6mos for a newborn or 6mos for a 3 month old for example. That will ensure a greater chance of baby wearing your garment and gift. I have noticed that some 0-3mos. sizes won't even fit some babies who are born above the average 7.5 lb range, topping the charts at 10lbs or more. For my babies, I could not really use the newborn sizes even though my girls weren't above average size.
  • So, if you want to get the best in baby wear, gear and baby gifts, think of the new mommies needs. She will probably want to carry baby close while also getting things done around the house, shopping and such, this is where baby gear is essential. Baby slings are a wonderful choice and you can find such amazing varieties and great fabric options too. Gone are the days of solid only colors for baby slings. You can get them in an array of reversible fabrics and in ring or pouch styles. The ring slings for baby even have a fabric tail that works great for giving privacy while nursing or shade from the sun or a bright room. I couldn't live without my baby pouch and baby ring slings. They are so light weight and versatile and some of the best gifts of my baby shower days for certain. I can use them both for my toddler and baby since they hold up to a maximum of 35lbs.
  • You may want to check the baby products and see who has the best price too. However, you want to make sure you are comparing the items correctly in all the details. If items are handmade or unique and personalized, they tend to be more expensive, and in my opinion worth the price and sometimes the wait that it takes to get them. Also, you may want to check to see if free shipping is included or if your item(s) is going to tag on unwanted delivery fees upon checkout.
  • Ultimately you want to give a gift that is sure to last through the years, while providing mommy and baby with comfort, security, safety and ease. Although every baby will outgrow their baby clothes at one point or another, the personalized baby clothes tend to stay with the family for years as wonderful keepsakes to pass along as the baby grows up. This is also true for handmade baby blankets and gifts. Even still, I think baby slings are invaluable and that they are a gift that will last for years and give mommy and baby much needed comfort together, much like a good baby blanket.
  • slingsHappy Motherhood , happy shopping and great baby times and family memories for you.

Mommy & Baby Devotion- A Parent's Impact

kid-thanksWow, the impact we have on our children... with our words, actions, touch and even body language. Yes, we've talked about this before, but I am so amazed at the huge impact our words and actions have on our kids. Have you noticed your child beam with confidence after telling him or her, "Great job," "thank you," and/or "you are such a great helper", "I love you"? My daughter beams from ear to ear and shows such joy when she sees me or daddy delight in her. She tends to be a little natural encourager too. It's rather funny and cute when I am changing her baby sister and she tells me, "great job mom," or she tells others, "great job" when they are at some random task. It just blesses my heart, especially when she can be joyous and delight in herself too. Get this, after bringing my toddler breakfast the other morning, she says, "Mom-you're a good mommy". How sweet is she! Thankfully our baby is also enjoying sweet delight too.

I believe that awesome delight is of the Lord and from Him. I am thankful that we can instill in our children a greater worth than is offered by this world and their surroundings. It is the sweet touch of the Holy Spirit working in us to do His good will. As Phil 2:13 says, "for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure," and 2 Corinthians 9:8 "and God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work." So, we are capable in the Lord's strength to do such good and to be sufficient in the process? Awesome. Since our actions speak louder than words most times and since our actions will impact our children and be with them always, let's be cheerful givers and watch our tongues and harsh words in this season of parenting. This doesn't mean no discipline is in store rather that we go about it as God so often does with us, with a gentle and loving hand and kindness.

Reflection: The Bible tells us that God disciplines the ones He loves, so let us follow that example as well. What a great way to teach our children to love themselves and honor themselves and God, to have boundaries and excel in what they do, not fearing failure and disappointment but learning to embrace life as it comes their way. Think about some of your moments of delight growing up as a child, the sweet memories with mom and dad and how they shaped you. Give them a call and let them know how much they mean to you and if it isn't mom or dad who made such a positive impact, remember those who have and if they are around, give them a call or write a letter of encouragement and blessing to them, telling them how much they mean to you and what their words, example, and actions have done for you and yours.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your amazing example to us, for your discipline and delight. I pray that we would go forth in "good works", doing your will and being sufficient as we rely upon you. Help us to be natural encouragers and discipline when needed with your loving hand. Help us to honor you and those who have blessed us in our life's journey. Allow our children to excell in you always and to delight in you and have a God confidence so they can also delight in themselves.

Mommy & Baby Devotion-The Lord's Pleasure=His People


How sweet it is to know that "the Lord takes pleasure in His works (people)," Psalm 104:31. If you are a mommy you can most likely relate to this too. The sweet pleasures of watching our children grow and change can be amazing. From their newborn first nursing moments to the rolling, sitting, crawling, teething, walking, potty training, eating solids, coloring, painting, and learning new shapes and such... they are little blessings to behold and cherish. It seems as if children were made to bring us great pleasure and joy. Just as we-God's children were made to bring Him pleasure (and glory).

As a mommy, I wonder what my girls will be like as they get older, in their early years, teen-adolescence, and adulthood. I have a great joy knowing that I am here to love them through the journey and give them a helping hand whenever it's needed. I thank God for the wisdom and guidance, protection and love that He pours into my girls and for the promise of His faithfulness always to them and us. It is comforting to know that "God already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his children-this was his pleasure and purpose," Ephesians 1:5. It is so cool that God, knowing all of our sin, our past and issues, would still make us and create us for Himself. We must then be pretty significant in Christ since He chose us knowing that we aren't always a "pleasure".

Reflection: We are told that "The Lord is pleased only with those who worship him and trust his love", in Psalm 147:11. Are you pleasing to Him? Do you worship and trust his love? As a parent, can you relate? Aren't you pleased when your children obey and listen to you? Why not trust Him and worship him, pleasing him in the process? He's given everything for us and will never leave nor forsake us. That is a pretty cool thought right there. His ultimate sacrifice for our freedom; a freedom to choose and truly live. Let's also show our children such love and mercy and encourage them so they can be natural pleasures to be around and natural at worshipping the Lord, having joy and trusting in the God that made them.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for creating us and taking pleasure in us. I pray that you would help me to please and trust you and that I would focus on your love and truths, your character and consistency so I can also mimic them to my babies. I am so thankful for being a mommy and for the truly amazing gifts you have given me- my children. Help me to be a true worshiper that will continually worship you and commit to you daily, from "sunrise to sunset" Psalm 113:3.

Mommy & Baby Devotion-Perfect Peace


Are you driven by God's perfect peace? Do you know what Jesus said in John 14:6? He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." He also encourages us in Psalm 32:1: "Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight!" That's us, right? Peace sure sounds good to me. Perfect peace although seemingly unattainable, is given to those who trust in God and keep their purpose firm in Him (Isaiah 26:3). What a blessing.

If you are like me and your day is gladly consumed with diapers, potty training, feedings, nursing, playing, chasing and caring for your babies, you know how desperate we can be for such "perfect peace". God's truths help me when I'm in the "thick of it" with diaper blow outs, potty training accidents, screaming tantrums, "No" moments, and sick and crying children. In such times I remind myself that God "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us", (Eph 3:20) and that "there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love" (1John 4:18).

Reflection: It amazes me how much our children pick up on our body language, tone of voice, eye contact and touch. Can't they see if we have that "peace"? Let's lavish them with hugs, smiles, giggles, kisses, kind words and love. Make sure to also give yourself a pat on the back in the process. I am convinced that God gives us those sweet and encouraging pats too if we just take the time to look for Him. These "pats on the back" tend to happen when I least expect them to and when they are most needed. Thankfully God is with us in all that we do and is there with a helping hand to guide us through. Hold onto that today and ask for His help and guidance if you are having an "in the thick of it" moment or moments. He never fails.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that we can trust and look to you for all things, that you give perfect peace and hope to us as we trust in you. Help us to cast our cares upon you and let go of fear and frustration so we may receive all that you have for us and be able to give it to our children. Help us to rest in you daily Jesus. Thank you for being my joy and strength, hope, love and future...

Mommy & Baby Devotion-The Little Things Matter

istock_000001561872largeCan it be, that the little things matter so much, especially on a daily basis? If any of you are married you know this holds true here also. Those hugs, smiles and saying I love you to your child, keeping your word to them, holding them and feeding, changing and bathing and showering them with prayers...and yes water too. Those special times that we take to devote to our children will not be without reward. Although our reward is in Heaven, I believe that we are blessed to see the fruits of our actions here on earth. What a beautiful site to see as my daughter gives the Lord her praise and dances before Him in all her joy and exuberance, the sweet kisses she lavishes on her baby sister, their sisterly hugs and laughter together, the way they smile, coo and cuddle with me daily. I am also blessed to see such joy in them as they look at me and I know they have a love that they can be secure in. Priceless and beautiful.

If giving a child a glass of cold water is seen as huge to the Lord, how much more are mommies' daily tasks and service to her children going to be remembered? It isn't for recognition that I mention these things, but for encouragement to other mommies out there and care takers who feel as if the "small things" are just that, too small. That their consistency, love, steadfastness and patience aren't enough... It is enough and shall be rewarded too. I just love that.

I just get goose bumps thinking of how our children are blessed and cherished by God and how His plans are going to play out in their lives. What a beautiful thought to behold. I am so looking forward to watching my girls grow into little ladies of the Lord, knowing that their hope is in Him and their worth also. What a wonderful job we have moms. The best ever, as far as I am concerned.

Reflection: Keep up the good work in raising your kids in the "way they should go" knowing that it is not in vain. You are awesome mom, you are loved, you are cherished and you are set apart for such a time as this. Be encouraged that your daily chores are not going unseen by the most high God and that He has your reward in Heaven (Matthew 5:12). Also, Matthew 10:42 says, "And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded." How often do you do that and more daily? God is with you and loves you.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your joy and peace, for our reward in Heaven and for our children and the gift and honor it is to be a mommy to them. Help us to focus on the positive things and the little things in our day that make the biggest impact. You are so loving and faithful and I pray that we would be also. Help our tasks to be refreshed today and help us to react in loving ways to each situation that we are faced with. Let your joy be our strength.