Thursday, October 15, 2009

Devotion: Be My Portion

istock_000000287894xsmallI have been challenged to allow God to be my portion in all things daily and to pray specifically for Him to provide His peace; my needs, words, wisdom, balance and patience... for each day; to trust and lean upon Him. I pray that as I share my journey that God will encourage you also and bring hope to where there may be hurt or questions. Be encouraged, you are not alone. I have heard so many lately talk about struggles, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of finances, loss of peace, relationships, homes... Does it feel like its end times to any one else? Do you want and need more peace in your life? My answer is yes. So let's be encouraged to ignite that relationship with God and to focus on Him; obedience and trust.

Side note: Portion sizes these days are a bit different while pregnant and I am craving lemons with salt, salt and more salt; along with olives and olive juice of all things. My goodness, without balance I would be as blown up as a balloon by the third trimester. It just makes me think of how every area of my life needs balance and how God offers it through His peace and our obedience and trust in Him.

Prayer: Thank you God for your portion in my life. You give so generously and so lovingly and I appreciate your sacrifice for me to be in a relationship with you. Please help me to stay focused on you and to have balance in my life.

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