Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotions: Got Fear?


Malachi 4:2 "But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture." What an amazing hope of God's healing to those who fear His name. What might your fears hold for you this day? Is it the finances, the lack of knowing what your future may hold, the many questions that weigh heavy on your heart, a scary situation you may be facing... God is saying; fear my name and I will bring your needs, your healing. I think all too often we may even be giving too much care to what others may think of us, rather than God and fearing what He thinks of us. After all He knows us and already knows what we will be doing tomorrow. He has a plan and future for us that is good. If we can grasp His unconditional love and grab hold of it knowing that we are not alone and that His Word and His opinion of us are the ultimate guideline for our standards, our future, and our hope-we will be living in true freedom, healing and all the goodies He wants to lavish upon us.

Reflection: When I think of fear, it isn't usually a good feeling that I experience, except in this regards: fearing God's name. Have you noticed that your kids in fear of you may want to do better at certain things? Not that they are anticipating a bad reaction from us, but that they want to please us and do well for that positive reinforcement and acceptance. God gives us an easy way to please Him and be free and joyous as we just honor Him enough to fear how He sees us and the power that is in His name. If our kiddos took us serious always and feared our names then there would be lots more obedience at times I am sure. Let us be the examples to them, as they are such sponges taking in all they see, hear and feel. Let's show our reverence to the Lord as we respect and admire Him before our children and others, as an example of our love for Him and devotion to Him. After all He is our life, I think and we would have nothing without Him.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are our joy and healer as we trust in you and fear you. Help us to revere you enough to fear you and trust you enough for our every situation and season that we are facing. Take away our fears of this world and replace them with a heavenly fear. Give us a teachable heart and spirit and allow us to be good witnesses of you to our children and others so that you may be glorified and seen in us. You amaze me by your grace when we pass you by in the times we ought to fear you most. Guide us so that we may fear you and in doing so be able to be fearless about the other business of our days and lives. You are awesome Mighty God, glory to your name.

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