Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotions-God's Covering

7-10-9Romans 10:13: "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." The power in His name, it's amazing. He also tells us; "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you," in Hebrews 15:5. We serve a powerful God who is more than able to heal (Mal 4:2), deliverer (Ps.70:5), protect (Psalm 33:20), restore (Ps. 23:3), help (John 14:16), give strength (Isa. 12:2), give rest (Jer. 50:6), redeem (Isa 59:20), reward (Heb. 11:6), shield (Ps. 33:20), refine (Mal 3:2-3) and lift your head (Ps. 3:3) in any situation.

All it takes is action on our part and faith to believe in what isn't seen. As we learn more about the Lord and acknowledge Him in every part of our lives, we know He is with us (Emmanuel). Intimacy then grows along with trust and an increase in faith.

Reflection: We all have a story and past. Some have been very painful and depressing. I can relate to that pain and past and am thankful to have given my hurts over to the Lord, trusting in His healing and His renewing plan for my life. That was over 10 years ago now, and I am reminded even-still of where I came from. Our hurts can be healed and removed by speaking the name of Jesus over the situation; asking or proclaiming His power and love over our past and present. I know I needed the reminder of God's healing while dealing with an ill baby this morning.

Action: If you need a healing in your life or situation, then speak it out and proclaim: God, you are my Healer. If lonely, God you are my Companion and Friend. For times of oppression, God you are my Deliverer. When we step out in faith and believe His presence to be with us, proclaiming His Glory and provision over us, we will see Him move and restore us and our situation, circumstances...In more ways than we could ever ask or think of.

Prayer: Jesus you are the answer to my every need, the provider and deliverer of my every situation. Thank you for the opportunity of salvation and for loving and caring for me the way you do. Help me surrender my daily needs, pains and pressures to you always. You are a sweet covering over me.

Finally: Just a few pictures of my new hand-made baby blanket creations now available. Hope you all like them as much as I love making them. There are also great baby gift baskets for baby shower gifts or babies first birthday too. These baby blankets are so soft and plush that pictures alone don't do them justice. :)100_1280100_1998100_1995100_2017

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