Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Proverbs 31 Woman


"There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!" Proverbs 31:29.

Any of you ladies intimidated by this Proverbs 31 woman, the super woman of her day? Have you tried to just skip that chapter and head over to Ecclesiastes more than once, relating to the "everything is vanity" theme? If so, you are not alone.

Recently, I had to ask God what this perfect example of motherhood meant and why it seemed so unattainable. The answer I got blessed me since He revealed how He sees us the same way He sees her, flawless and loved. He focuses on the good and positive that we have done rather than the not so positive, He loves us where we are and He even sees the good we have yet to accomplish. He gave me that peace, reassuring me that all my sins are covered by the blood of Jesus and that they are no more. So, that is how we can be a super mom. It is in the perspective of our Father's eyes. How God sees us, not how we see ourselves. Not on our own, but in Him. He's already forgiven us, focuses on the good we've done and will do and loves us through it all.

Reflection: What an awesome God. His eyes view us from the lenses of a loving parent. How many of us know that those lenses are biased for our children? Since we are all God's children, we are seen through those loving and forgiving eyes. I can just imagine the unique and beautiful description God gives each of us as His children when we focus on Him. Thankfully He doesn't choose to look at the bad, but the good instead. Let us learn from that example also and tell ourselves that we are worth it in Him ladies. He already sees us as this woman and that is a beautiful gift to behold.

Action: Write down at least ten things wonderful about yourself, as seen through your Father's eyes. You are wonderful mother's out there. Let God speak to you about your own Proverbs 31 heart and how He sees you. Let's focus on His love and ways so that we don't get caught up in feeling not so good or good enough.

Prayer: Thank you God that you are the ultimate encourager and loving parent. Thank you so much for seeing the good in me even when I may not. Thank you that you don't look at the fallen short moments of life to define us; instead you forgive, love and teach us. Let me not compare myself to other moms. Help me focus on your love and the promises you have for me. Help my children to be blessed by me and my example always. Help me to see myself through your eyes. Please give my daughters a God-confidence that only you can bring and let them love you richly.

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