Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: More Than Over-Comers


Revelation 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." Isn't that a powerful example for us to take notice of? We are over-comers and in part by sharing the word of our testimony. How cool is that; that God would give each one such a testimony to share and change lives, our own included? I am just amazed at this verse. Well, many amaze me, but this is great news.

Reflection: Doesn't it help us to rejoice when we don't feel alone in a situation? When we can share in a joy or sorrow, it helps the healing process. God provides this for us not only by "the blood of the Lamb" but by the word of our very own testimony. How much more personal of a God can we have? He is so wonderful and desiring a relationship with us, that He gives this very example to us of how to overcome. Do you feel as if you haven't got a testimony? Ask God to reveal it to you so that He may use you to bless someone in sharing it and heal you in the process too. It is greater to give than to receive according to God and His ways, and I feel that sharing our testimony can be an awesome gift. It isn't easy especially if we doubt ourselves due to a crazy past and making bad decisions, or a mistake(s); reputation issues, family life struggles... the list goes on. God is the one who accepts you where you are and knows exactly who you are, so be encouraged that He has a great purpose and plan for you to share your testimony. He will provide the person, people and/or timing for it all too.

You are a precious child of the Most High King who loves you and provides for you daily. Even in the midst of our craziness and busyness, He knows our need and intercedes for us. We have got the best shelter when we trust in Him. Keep looking up and asking Him to give you boldness and forgiveness for yourself to share your testimony. Sometimes the biggest obstacle is our very self.

Prayer: Thank you dear God that you are with us always and interceding for our needs, even when we may not know exactly what they are. You are so faithful and loving and I thank you for your grace, wisdom, mercy and forgiveness. Help us to focus on ourselves and others using your eyes rather than our own. Help our heart's focus to be fully on you so we can rest in times of trouble and rejoice even still.

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