Thursday, October 15, 2009

Devotion: Justified

OK!Romans 5:1 "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..." It is so wonderful to know that in Christ, we have been justified; that we can have peace with God. We can have peace and a new life, not just within ourselves and Him but with others too. We can shine the light and be an example of the change Jesus has brought to us and within us. I think it starts with us first; cleaning up and getting right with God and accepting this beautiful gift, then allowing that same peace to flow to others providing reconciliation where needed and healing; along with joy and salvation.

Reflection: By faith and by sharing Christ's death' we become justified and one with Christ, a member of His body; taken from our past lives without a future and into one of salvation. Our blessed gift from this change is the F.O.S. (fruit of the Spirit) where our new identity in Christ will produce good fruit. Like a fruit tree produces fruit I hope our lives also naturally do as we are given this gift to become "one person in Christ." God loves to bless us and have us draw near to Him and He is surely faithful to provide the answers for our needs and our everyday tasks and trials. This is just a reminder of our ability in Christ to have peace, be justified (in Greek meaning righteous) and forgiven. So, if you are holding on to some things that are weighing you down give in to God and allow His peace, justification, Spirit and truth be your answer and guide. Allow yourself to lay it at His throne of grace and believe He will see you through. He loves you and has a purpose and plan for us all.

Prayer: Thank you God for your salvation, for giving us new life and hope; for allowing us to have a right relationship with you through your son Jesus. You are amazing and I hope we can focus on giving you all things in order to have that heart of peace and remembering that nothing is too difficult for you. That you have our lives in your very hand and want to see us prosper and succeed in you. Help us allow you to be the answer and peace, salvation and hope for our today's and tomorrow's.

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