Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotions: Our Protector & Help


Psalm 33:20 "We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield." This verse brings encouragement for me to wait on God trusting Him and being hopeful in the process. How many times do we protect our kids throughout our day? While they are newborns and always. If they are learning how to crawl or walk, stand up solo or climb stairs, run or eat; we are usually watching their every move and on the go. When they are close to a steep edge we pick them up or turn them around and guide them in a new direction. We embrace them if they are scared or hurt; we wash their scrapes and kiss their bumps and bruises. I love to bless and comfort my kids and be with them daily.

In the same way God so amazingly wants to do all this for us and then some... He already blesses our kids and provides for them. Isn't it cool to think of our father God and how He and His Holy Spirit can set us straight when we may be at the edge of a difficult, scary, steep or rebellious situation? He provides that way out and the hope to get over it and through it too. He even lovingly embraces us through our struggles and down times reminding us that this too shall pass and that His plans are good for us. He reminds us that we are loved and cared for, that He won't ever leave us or forsake us. He lets us be ourselves faults and all and still loves us and sees us spotless as we accept Christ and repent for salvation. Wow, who doesn't need a bit of cleansing? When the going gets tough and the tough get dirty, the tough turn to God in my eyes and mind. It is wise to do this too.

Reflection: Did you ever think you could love a human as much as when you first met your little baby or babies, adopted him or her or gave birth to them..., found out you were pregnant...? Kids are such an amazing gift from God. Psalm 127:3 " Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." As our protector God also gives us a direct line to Him through our prayers and thankfully He intercedes for us too. Prayer is a huge source of protection for us also. So, I encourage us to check in with ourselves and God and make time to pray. Pray over our children and our day; our lives and daily duties and trials that may arise. Oh, and don't forget to also rejoice knowing that God hears and answers your prayers.

Prayer: Thank you for the gift of parenthood and motherhood, for the blessing of my child (ren) and the future that you have planned for my family. Please be the center and allow me to always look to you for hope, guidance, joy and strength, not wavering but standing firm even in the midst of trials and what can seem like disaster. Have your way in me oh God.

Shopping: Many of us desire sweet baby gifts for our newborn, kids and the "apple of our eye." We also enjoy getting others those fun and unique baby gifts and hand made baby blankets, original keepsakes and more. When shopping though it can get overwhelming if we're carrying the baby, diaper bag, stroller and car seat with us all the time. Try to simplify and shop online. It is a great option to busy schedules, saves gas and money and gives you more time to share with your kids at home or elsewhere.

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