Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Cotton Candy & Kids

cotton-candy"Mommy I want to go home." Oh, the sweet sound of those words. Not so much if you had just gotten the baby down for the night and all the other things unpacked. That's just what happened at my niece's while spending the night for her birthday.

Quickly, the offers begin. Okay, in the morning when you wake up you can go swimming, feed the horses, see the baby chick chicks, and have cotton candy... Let's see what else. Well, not much else was needed once Auntie mentioned cotton candy. My daughter changed her mind and said, "mommy I want to stay at auntie's house." As you can imagine, we were very pleased. How sweet that moment was to feel her relaxing in my arms and trusting that she'd be okay overnight.

Can you imagine if people responded like this when sharing about the Lord and His promises? After hearing that God loves them and that He sent Jesus to die for them to give them a new life, their once doubt filled mind could trust and believe in the promises of God; being a new creation, having a future and a hope, refreshing rather than pain, joy rather than sorrow, having eternal life, peace and love in abundance... That would be amazing, and those are just a few of our benefits from the Lord.

Often times, people do change their minds for Christ and make a decision to believe and serve Him. The simplicity that is in Christ is a gift. I think we can get in the way of His cotton candy moments by saying too much or living differently than we should, showing others that the truths of His promises are not for us, or ours. Thankfully, "The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy" (Psalm 145:8). Let us also follow this example as to not get in the way when He is speaking to his children. I mean, let's be true to Him and each other by living a life of worship, rather than having to preach it to be seen. I think we are most powerful when we are "just being." People can tell a lot about you by the way you "just live."

Reflection: Have you been sharing cotton candy (hope) moments or not? Do you live an example you would be proud to have your kids follow? What impression are you making? Are you cheerful, loving and kind? Our children are especially perceptive, so let's not be confusing in our faith and service. Let them know who we serve (Christ) and why.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day. As we live it for you, let our children be continually blessed. Give them a lifelong connection with you Lord through our prayers, example and their desire to love you too. Let them witness the not so cotton candy moments knowing that there is hope on the other side, that obedience is a blessing. Keep them far from rebellion and all things dark and let us show them your light daily. Bring others in to their lives that will speak life and blessings, showing them a good example. Give us each wisdom for this day and what you have for us. I love you. Lord, show us what we can do for you today.

1Peter 3:8-9 "Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing."

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