Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Praise With Freedom

100_1200Psalm 150:4: "Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs."

In her princess dress, my toddler is quite the site twirling around arms held high singing with abandon. What a smile and joy it brings to my face and heart. She just loves to dance and sing and it doesn't seem to matter where we are; she will just go for it. For example, she didn't seem to care that a little boy next to her was seemingly annoyed, looking at her as if she was silly, asking her to stop.

She was being anything but silly with her joy filled heart and natural happiness, innocence and energy all wound up in a bundle of dance twirls and moves. To her, quenching such an urge to dip, twirl and spin..., was not improper, so she gladly did it with complete freedom, praising the Lord in the process.

How wonderful to see little children praise the Lord so freely. What an example to us to just go for it. Even the animals seem to have a natural way about praising God. I am reminded of this every time I watch an eagle soar through the sky, a fish swimming freely in the ocean, a hummingbird swishing from feeder to feeder looking for nectar and well, all of God's creation really.

Reflection: Many times as women, we get too busy while trying to take care of ourselves and others that we can forget to praise the Lord with freedom and great abandon. I challenge us to do just that as we wake each day. Let's take note from a child's heart and example and just go for it. Don't hold back worrying about what others will think. I love to sing "Rise and shine and give God the Glory Glory"... as my children awaken in the morning and after naps. It always seems to get them smiling or laughing. Probably because I can be pretty silly and energetic. I love that it makes them happy and I love it when my toddler often joins in the worship. They just bless my heart.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you do inhabit the praises of your people. I love you. Allow my praise to be honest, freeing and pleasing to you. I pray you would continue to nurture the heart of worship in me and my children and that you would receive all the glory.

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