Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotions for Mommy-Be Happy= Don't Worry

beanie-kaeli"I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe" Psalms 4:8. Now, doesn't that sound wonderful, to lie down in a peaceful, restful and complete sleep. When is the last time you were granted such sleep? Let's just say, it's been awhile for me, especially with a nursing baby and toddler. Unfortunately insomnia is on the rise with many people filling their days with busyness and their nights spent staying up late, tending to all the daily duties they missed and worried about. Another dilemma occurs when we worry about and fret about what needs to be accomplished tomorrow, while sacrificing today's rest in the process and valuable family time too.

"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today" Matthew 6:34. Oh, how seemingly true that is. We are also told in Matthew 6:25, "not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing?" When we truly trust that God is in control, we can spend our days in a God centered and focused manner rather than a busy-activity focused state. Allowing us to be fully alive and awake, God gives His supernatural peace to those who seek and trust in Him. You mean, the to-do-lists and worry of today can be set aside to reflect and refresh in God's presence, His word and prayer? Yes. Thereby giving us energy to be fully awake, or shall I say-alive during the day so that when night comes, we can fully rest.

Okay, I am still learning how to do this rest thing, daily. It thankfully doesn't mean that we will be inactive or without a schedule. God knows I've got that, energy and a busy schedule. So, I am waiting and seeking for where the spirit is leading, living in freedom knowing that God is always watching out for you and me.

Reflection: If God is love and life, then in Him, we can be fully alive. What a concept. Thank you Jesus. Let's take action and write down the things that may be weighing us down: extra baby weight, finances, health, looking for a job... and give them to God, surrendering fully in the process. I believe He will honor you as you surrender each one to Him, acting in faith.

Prayer: Thank you God for your constant covering of protection and love and for your ever watchful eye. Thank you for providing us with a life full of freedom, safety and true joy. Be blessed today as we surrender to you and trust in your timing, your plans and your provision. Help our children see our reliance upon you and gain security from it also, trusting in you for their future and present... for all things. Let us not worry, but be happy...

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