Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Devotions: Got Gifts?

istock_000005441444xsmallPsalm 23:3 "He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." I am so blessed to know God as my father. He gives us wisdom as we ask for it; love, provision, healing, protection and joy too. These are just a few of His wonderful gifts for His children. What gifts are we giving our kids and family lately? Do we exhibit the joy and love that God so graciously gives us? Do we take time to listen as they share their sweet stories, interrupt our work or television...? Are we there for them in their desperate times?

Reflection: Let's be the comforter that God has made us to be as parents and mother's. We can make a difference in eternity as we raise our children in the loving and restoring, renewing and comforting grace and power of God. As we look to Him let's not forget His restoration and how close it is in reach if we are in need of it. When the troubles seem to overflow you can rest assured that God is your covering and source of renewal and comfort. Lean upon Him and ask for His provision for your every situation that He would restore your soul, guide you along right paths for His names sake.

Prayer: Thank you for your refreshing touch and love in my life. You are a loving father and I am thankful that you are always available to me and renew and refresh me, especially in my desperate times of need. You also rejoice with me and give me joy overflowing... Please help us to be a comfort to others as you guide us, that we would be a joy and light, glorifying your name.

Gifts: Sweet baby showers and fun newborn moments are perfect for getting baby gifts for friends and family. Make it memorable and spend time with mommy to be also. Help her with some chores around the house and take her out to lunch too.

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