Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Test & Testimony


James 1:2-4 "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

Reflection: Sometimes it can take us awhile to reflect and rejoice in trials and see the hand of God in our situation. Recently I was talking to Papa (my dear father in law) who reminded me that without our tests there isn't much testimony. Not to say that if you don't struggle or haven't that you don't have a testimony. I believe God's given each of us one. It is all in our perspective, how we will view and react to our struggles. If we can be encouraged to know that in our so called life struggles or difficult times that God will use it to bless someone else in the future; we can trust Him for the outcome a little easier. He will use what was meant for bad (those awful struggles, a loss, financial issue, marital problem, addiction) for His glory and good. That is, if we give it up to Him and repent, accepting His love, grace and mercy. Don't we just need to let some things go? I love that God uses testimonies to bless others. Our tests can help us to be able to be there for others in a more relevant and real way since we may have gone through what they are facing... It also helps us to be able to say, trust God... I have been there because... instead of just sharing hang in there buddy when a friend is having trouble.

HILLSONG / LIVE WORSHIP SONG STILLPrayer: God, thank you for giving us all a unique testimony. Thank you that we can have continual testimonies of your goodness and faithfulness during the not so easy times of life or when we may lose someone near or feel as if we may have hit rock bottom. Draw us even nearer in such times to remember to call upon your name and to surrender it all to you, trusting you for the outcome and to overcome.

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