Friday, October 30, 2009

Mommy & Baby Devotion: Grace For Us


"The gracious to you" Numbers 6:25. What wonderful intentions God has for us, not just for today but for all eternity. His intentions don't waver and they stay gracious and forever wonderful, thankfully. We see this throughout the Bible, in our gracious Holy Spirit; teacher, comforter, guide and friend. Isn't grace also seen in Jesus, the Great Physician? Do we consider God as our gracious host? There's the banquet feast, the Lamb's marriage supper, which is being prepared even now for us, as we are invited in Jesus (Revelation 19:6-9).

Reflection: We can be confident in God's grace as it stands firm for us forever and is always good. We can think of a gracious note and how it touched our lives, making our day or month, especially in difficult times. God brings people into our path to show us grace also. Let's not be too busy to be those people giving God's grace and love and not too busy to notice the gifts of grace He's given us in others. Let's also be thankful for the grace of our Lord and His benediction.

Prayer: How gracious you are Lord, to us. Thank you for your love and example, the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Jesus you are our best physician, healer and friend. You amaze me and I know in my mind how gracious you are. Let my heart also know more deeply and trust more deeply in your abounding grace. Help me be gracious to my children and others.

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