Friday, October 30, 2009

Mommy Daily Devotions- A Fragrant Sacrifice

Cute little girl giving yeloow flowers"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God" Ephesians 5:2. I am so thankful that we can be a pleasing aroma as we serve the Lord as mothers.

How many of us own a scent of perfume, or maybe more than one? There is a large market for perfume these days and with all the celebrities continuing to add their own scents, it is ever increasing. This wasn't so much the case when Jesus was born since perfume was identified as a sign of significant wealth. Jesus received perfume as a gift after His birth. Later perfume was also used sacrificially for His anointing prior to His death. We learn about sacrificial love in Ephesians 5 and the importance of following Christ as our ultimate example. Is your sacrifice a sweet perfume and an aroma that is pleasing to God?

Reflection: If you are a mommy you know the daily sacrifices that you make and the self sacrifice that is needed. Once you held your baby in your arms, your agenda and needs became second to that special blessing. Have you ever felt personally lost in your motherhood journey, feeling unimportant? You aren't alone; many moms have felt this way before. I am here to remind you though, that you are a pleasing scent to the Lord and that He delights in your one-of-a-kind great sacrifice; only offered by your unique love. Believe that your love which is poured out sacrificially, is like a sweet perfume to the Lord, one in which only you can make.

Prayer: Thank you dear God that my mommy status is pleasing to you and that you delight in my sweet perfume and daily sacrifices. Thank you for being my sweet perfume in such a stench filled world and for seeing significance in my mommy duties.

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