Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Remembering Firsts

istock_000005166672xsmallOh the joys of parenting! The delivery or adoption of your child, baby's first bath, their first time in the car seat, first time home, their first tooth, first word, crawling, rolling over and taking their first steps and potty training... These are just a few of the amazing baby stages we get to enjoy with them. The beauty and love that awaits each parent is unspeakable and remarkable.

I truly love to look back and cherish those "firsts". I am also excited for the new special moments that seem to occur daily. It is like taking a glimpse into Heaven when I listen to my daughter sing and tell her baby sister, "Jesus loves you sweetie" while kissing her forehead. Have you had the pleasure of enjoying sweet laugh attacks or singing times of joy with your children? Please share some of your favorite moments so we can all connect and give each other a good laugh and encouragement too. I could go on forever about those special moments with my baby and toddler, but would rather you mommies share your experiences as well.

As sweet as those "first moments" are along our parenting journey, the sweet aroma of a newborns scent diminishes and is replaced with the not so sweet smell of spit up, dirty diapers, potty training accidents, back talk and overall toddler messy-times. These too can be gifts depending on perspective I suppose.

My comfort comes from the thought that the Lord will instruct me and lead me in the way I should go, as stated in Psalm 32:8, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye," I am so thankful that God is hope. Also comforting to me, are the times my girls don't seem to care or notice when my sweet aroma is wearing off. This reminds me of God's love for us, stinky stages and all. He accepts us, and helps us to grow out of our stinky times.

Application: Let's also cherish the stinky and not so stinky times, knowing that we can encourage our babies as we do. As we live by the example that Christ set before us, knowing we need His help, and being obedient to Him; we are sure to keep the faith alive and share it with others. How great to share God's love with our children and see them do the same, with an innocent and open heart. Take time to remember your precious "firsts" with the Lord and your children.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are for us and not against us (Romans 8:31). Please allow us to treasure the "firsts" with our children and ourselves, never forgetting our salvation and where you met us and changed us. Let us be lead by the Holy Spirit and wise, listening to your guidance, glorifying you always.

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