Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mommy & Baby Devotion-White As Snow, Better Than Grass Stains


Psalm 51:7: "Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."

How often do you find those lovely baby food, spit up, grape juice and grass stained clothes while sorting through your piles of laundry? If you are like me, this happens almost daily; if I can get to the piles that is. Those grass stains remind me of the fun my children must have had while playing... but that doesn't make my laundress job any easier unfortunately. At least I can sort with a smile though, especially since most stains can be removed with a good scrub and soak; time and effort. Still, there are the stubborn stains that will never come out and can never be removed; causing you to think, "Why didn't I do my sorting earlier and soaking and scrubbing too, so this fabric wouldn't be ruined?"

Can you see how those stains are like our sin? The longer they set (and we don't let go of them) the harder it is to repent. Have you also heard that the "secrecy of sin" leads to more sin? The idea that the more we hold onto our sin, the more secrecy that is created and the more secrecy leads to more sin...a crazy cycle and pattern when we don't just let it go. The best thing to do is to repent, giving it to God to soak and scrub away so that we can be free of it and not held back. God's given us forgiveness, grace and mercy and yet, we still hold onto our sinful ways. Let this not be so.

Reflection: God's refreshing, perfect and permanent stain removal process is available for us all. Psalm 103:12 tells us that "He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west." Thank you Lord.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this day and all that you have in store for us. Please help us to be diligent and act in urgency regarding our sin issues, not just our children's laundry-stain issues. Thank you so much for your forgiveness, help us to also forgive ourselves and others too. Let your love and forgiveness be evident in us.

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