Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Blessing or Cursing

happy child sruns

James 3:10 says, "And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!"

So, how many of us know the tongue can produce some wicked things? "I'm not going to say it again, shut up." "Children are to be seen not heard." "Yeah, she's a great baby... but only when asleep." "My kid is a terror." "Are you stupid?" "You're clumsy." "You never listen." "Are you retarded?" These saying make me think of a child's crushed heart, as he listens to this constant belittling, frustration and anger. Studies have shown that it takes at least 10 positive comments to negate the bad. It is scary to think that there are many children being cursed daily and constantly. I pray that God helps me use my words wisely to not discourage my daughters, but to uplift and bless them. Even in our tone of voice their little hearts are aware of our thoughts. In our body language and facial expressions too. So, no rolling the eyes moms unless you too want to see them mirror it back some day (sooner than later). We reap what we sow and when we show our children disrespect, anger and belittling, they are not only cursed from it, but learn that same behavior. How much more important then is it to make it a priority to bless daily and encourage our babies with kind words, a gentle touch and/or hug and kiss.

Reflection: Let's choose to speak blessings over our children with the mouth God has given us. I don't know anyone of us who would admit intentional cursing over our kids or ill intent. However, each time we speak in a belittling tone, demean or correct them out of frustration and anger rather than love, we curse them. So, what does God say about us as His children? He loves us, came to save us and give us a future and hope. We are chosen to glorify Him in all that we do. Be encouraged that we can bless our children, as we are blessed by God. We can pray with them, patiently correct them, while using words of blessing rather than cursing.

Prayer: Dear God please guard our hearts and mouths that we may please you and bless our children. Let us speak a blessing over them daily and constantly. Let them not see in us rebellion so that they cannot mimic it in us. Let us instead mimic you and give them a blessed legacy to follow. Fill our hearts with your mercy, peace and understanding that we may give that to our children too. Stop us before we react negatively and help us to choose your words for the situation, seeing our babies with your eyes, rather than our own.

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