Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Be Still


Who likes to relax and be still? Most people would say they do, given the chance. I wish I was better at taking my time outs for relaxation. I am learning though, as these devotions are helping me and I am looking forward to them daily. God is the best at giving me joy and refreshing in my times of stillness or struggles.

Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God." Okay, so it's okay to be still... I tell myself at times when my days get filled so fast and it's evening before I know it. Especially when the kids aren't yet bathed and it is bed time. I just have to relax and let some things go till morning. Do you know that feeling?

God is wanting to pour His love into us and He wants us to spend time with Him so we can be blessed and refreshed, so He can guide us and whisper to our spirit the direction we must go, the plans that He has for us; our future, our children, friends, jobs, marriage, or singleness. I know my daily God times have been amazing. They have blessed me with more patience and relaxation which has helped me to enjoy my babies even more.

Application: Make sure to give God a nice piece of your busy day. If you catch yourself getting frustrated, exhausted, or too busy take that moment to seek the Lord, to ask for His peace and presence. I believe He will meet you exactly as you are and where you are, as He always has with me. Give Him a chance to give you a sweet stillness and refreshing in your spirit. He is my source of all things good in my life and I pray that He will be that for you also. If you are there already, amen sister. Please share your best times of stillness with the Lord. If not, go for it. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. You too can share your new experiences of stillness with Him. Comment below.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to be still and know you, to take that intimate time that you desire us to. Help us to listen as you speak to our hearts, help us to hear you and feel your presence. I pray we would also desire to be still and give you our undivided attention continually and daily. I pray that we would all have deeper relationships with you and that we would build strong loving relationships with our children. Let them see you in us and through us and be glorified Jesus.

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