Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Devotion: Just Looking

istock_000007368351xsmallI was wondering what she's doing in the kitchen; jars clamoring and things falling to the floor. Of Course mommy is just in time to see her little fingers stuck in her mouth cleaning up the sugar she must have been sampling. To my, "Oh Kenz" she smiles sweetly and wipes her sticky hands on herclothes stuttering "all done/ju-just looking mommy."

Okay, who knows that when the offender is a 2 1/2 year old it is easy to smile inside at the little stinker? How much that changes dramatically when an adult is "ju-just looking" at things forbidden. We then are concerned not laughing.

Reflection: The first step of sin can be in the "just looking" moments. Let's thank Jesus for checking us in such moments. Help us learn from Lot's sorrow as he spent time looking too long, and from His wife too. Oh, the learning that goes on in the pantry, kitchens and home's with our children about us. God, give us grace to learn.

Watching Kenzie through the sliding glass doors as she's having fun near the baby pool, splashing in a small puddle of water, I often find myself tapping the glass to motion her away from the water. Can we also remember the times God has tapped on our so called "sliding glass door" during our moments of "just looking?" Doesn't He also motion us away from danger, a bad thought or action- to keep us safe and close to Him? I am so thankful that God sees us just as He did Eve, Lot's Wife and David in their times of "just looking."

Prayer: Thank you Jesus that you don't give up on us at any time in our journey of life, that you continue knocking on our sliding glass doors and windows of our hearts to warn us and guide us away from the harmful things. Give us ears to hear your voice and heed your warnings and direction. Let our children be obedient to you and us and give them a spirit of joy as they grow in you and as they grow up. Help us to be in your Word and prayer that we may know your will and obey you. Let us be thankful and give us a teachable spirit to learn from your guidance and run to you while running away from times of "just looking." Expose the sin in our hearts and lives that we may be pleasing to you and a light to this world. Praise you Lord.

Sharing: Ladies, please share your cutest "just looking" stories and moments with your kids. Let' s encourage each other to smile at the small stuff. Looking forward to connecting and getting to know you better in the future. Be blessed and be excellent, baby and mommy.

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