Thursday, January 7, 2010

Daily Devotionals: In God's Arms


Psalms 68:19 "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." And who faithfully carries us in His arms. Oh, how beautiful that is. I am just so excited and can't wait to hold this new baby in my arms. The thought of the gender, how will he or she look, what will they act like, be like... the list goes on. How patient I will have to be. We've got quite a wait still. :)

Reflection: This makes me think of Father God's love and excitement over His children. He truly wants to bless us and doesn't want to see even one perish. I think every mother holds in her heart that same passion and love for her kids; to see them succeed and be blessed. To be all they can be right? Did you ever imagine you could love as deep and as wide as you do with your kids? Don't they just capture a huge part of our hearts? Don't we just love them more than we ever imagined possible; delighting in their every new step, word and venture? I bet our God is cheering us on in that same way ladies, but even better since He's just perfect.

Let's be encouraged that we have a loving God and father who sees us as His precious children; who's ready to carry our burdens and us in His arms daily; to comfort, provide, shield, heal, bless and love us... Thank you mommies and friends for loving on your baby's the way you do; for showing them the hand and heart of Jesus as you so often carry them in your arms and bear their burdens daily. You moms rock!

Prayer: Thank you God for your loving arms that shield and save us. All things are truly possible with your by our side. Thank you for all moms and for blessing them with miracles of life and children. Let us honor you in the ways we care for and love them.

Side Note: Now, picture yourself in God's embrace; surrendering with open palms knowing you are safe no matter what this day may bring. Also, if you are in need of a hand madeplush baby blanket, ready for personalization and snuggling for baby, check in often as I will be posting new pictures soon.

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