Thursday, January 7, 2010

Devotions For Mom: Kids Say The Darndest


Wow, talk about embarrassing. My oldest daughter just spilled the beans on me and daddy while we were on vacation. I don't know about you, but when nature calls out in the wilderness, I just embrace it and go (find a potty). This was especially true since we were out in the middle of the lake and nowhere near a bathroom. We had to paddle to a cove and find some cover... Of course my very observant daughter, as she's waiting with daddy on the paddle boat, sees mommy go off into the woods to go "potty". Little did I know this story would come up at dinner with all the family present as we were reminiscing about our day. She says, mommy goes potty in the bushes and daddy too, but I use the toilet." She hadn't said that to us all day so we didn't notice that she, well noticed. No secrets here folks. Yep, my cheeks were bright red and so were lots of others as they smiled and laughed too. Yikes, I hope I am not alone here or offending anyone. That would really be awkward.

Anyhow, it's refreshing how innocent our daughter is and how she didn't see anything wrong with sharing such details. During other times I've noticed that in her simplicity she's often been wise. I will say "oh no" when a glass or drink is spilled or something is dropped or has fallen down and she will ever so calmly tell me "it's okay" in her very reassuring way. Then off to get a wipey she goes to help me out. The pleasures of parenting are sure to be found in those moments as well as many others... Even still, I guess I should start the lessons on manners and potty training talk and privacy; what and when to share and how since she's approaching age three in a few short months.

Reflection: It amazes me that out of those same mouths Jesus says..."Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise" (Matthew 21: 16). What a true miracle to behold. In Psalm 8: 1-2"O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." In this KJV the "ordained strength" is in reference to issuing strong words against such enemies, and even from "the mouth of babes and sucklings." In the Revised Standard Version and translation, "the little ones chant the glory and majesty of the Lord." God sees the beauty in our little kids even amidst their humorous stories I am sure. It is great when we can too. Even more marvelous (I can't wrap my mind around it fully) is the truth that we can rejoice knowing that through them He has ordained strength and perfected praise. They are His vessels.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are worthy of our praise and that you use our babies to glorify you even as sucklings. This is beyond me here. You are so wonderful and I thank you for the many funny memories and stories from my daughters and the many more to come as my kids grow up. Give them a heart of worship and a joy for you; help them to trust you always and learn from your word and prayer. Through my example and my husbands, let us show them your love continually. Help them to use their words wisely and obediently dear God. Let them be uplifters lacking nothing.

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