Thursday, January 7, 2010

Devotion: Are We There Yet?

baby-carAlthough vacation was certainly no failure (rather the opposite), it reminded us that in those times of the unknown it is truly God's love and grace and His perspective that can get us through to the other side unscathed if you will... ready to move on and enjoy another journey... strong enough to face the future even if we may not know what it holds. Boy, am I happy to be able to trust and hold onto God in all times. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Let's continue in the encouragement for those of us who may feel as if we've been dealt a wild card this time around. If you have ever been on vacation with kids you have probably heard "are we there yet?" quite often. It was pretty funny when our oldest daughter asked this as we were just 15 miles into our journey. Yikes I thought to myself. We have at least 11 or more hours to go.

Reflection: This reminds me of God's people and how they too were prone to ask their questions from the back seat. They seemed to question and ask "how long?" since their trip out of Egypt. Let's just trust in God's plans because we are uplifted when we know that His hands are firmly placed on the steering wheel and that He will reach His intended destination and achieve His goal and see His kingdom come. This will allow us to rest assured that we are in the best hands ever, no matter what. So, if you are out of a job, your health is in question, your spouse is leaving, you don't know what to do... instead of thinking your victory is delayed and that the Kingdom of God is far off, remember that the things ordained by God, He will see through to the end.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that we don't need all the answers when we give you the steering wheel. Thank you for taking our burdens and sharing also in our joys. Thank you for your sacrifice so that we may live in relationship with you and know your love and mercy.

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